16: Alone

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"Woohoo!" I cheer as I jump up and down in the bed. I never knew that royal beds would be so comfy and soft!

"Shhh... you don't want your father to take you home do you?" Queen Hisui walks in, giggling. I pout. "But your the Queen! You can boss him around!" Hisui shakes her head. "As a ruler, you can't force your opinions on everything. If you did, you wouldn't be a very fair leader..." She explains softly. I shrug my shoulders. "I guess your right..." I grin. "This is why your the greatest leader ever!"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah! Definitely!"

"Well then, thank you for the compliment; but it's about time to head to sleep." She tells me. I frown. "But I just got here! I can't spend my few hours in a castle sleeping!!!" I state angrily. The queen looks up in thought before returning her gaze to me. "Well, I could tell you a story. Will that suffice?" She asks me. I give her a confusing look. "What does that mean?"

"It means 'will it be enough'," She explains. I nod. "Yes ma'am!" I bow my head slightly. She giggles. "Alright, it's settled then." She gets ready to start speaking when I stop her. "Wait, how do you know the story? Did it happen to you?" She shakes her head. "Then how do you know the story?"

"Well, it was passed down. It was passed down from my father to me. And now, I'm passing it to you." I nod, understanding. "Alright! I get it now. Continue!" She smiles before she begins. "Well, let's see. It all started 400 years ago, in the year of X391..."


I must of fallen asleep during the story, because when I open my eyes I find bright rays lighting up the room.

Now that I'm looking at, this room is quite spacious. I wonder who's it is?

I walk out of the room and into the gigantic hallway. At the end, there's a grand staircase that I remember walking up, so I go down.

I wander around a bit, but I can't find anyone. I've wandered around a lot, so that's strange. Is anyone home? How big IS this castle?

I eventually reach a big dining room area and see a short old man with gray hair. Next to him is a tall, tan guy with black hair.

"Huh? Who are you?" I tilt my head. The old man laughs. "We should be asking you that." The tall guy stands up. "W-well, you can't do anything to me because I'll tell my Daddy on you!" I shiver in a bit of fear. I can't let it show though!

"Relax, we won't harm you child, but who are you?" The old man asks me.

"And how did you get in? I thought we had top-notch security..." the tall guy mumbles, trailing off.

"My name is Nashi. Nashi Dragneel!" I grin.

"So your his child.. It all makes sense now..." the tall guy.... shivers? Anyways, I ignore it.

" The Queen let me stay here. My dad was going to pick me up today, but he's not here..." I start to pout, getting worried. What if he left me too? What if I was left all alone?

"H-hey that's alright! There's plenty of stuff to do here! I'm sure he's just late." The gray-headed man assures me.

"O-okay... what's for breakfast?"

The man smiled. "I'm glad you asked."


I watched my feet dangle loosely as I sat on the wooden swing. The castle garden was really pretty; with pretty pastel pink flowers and a swing that hung from the branch of the but I still missed my father. What could be taking him so long?

"Nashi?" I turn my head and see the Queen standing near the entrance. "It's time for dinner. Let's go inside, shall we?" I silently nod and get off of the swing.


Dinner was silent. Not a single word was spoken. We just sat and ate, no conversation. You could probably hear a toothpick drop! I mean, I know royal events are supposed to be formal, but are they always so quiet? I didn't know why so I just sat quietly and ate. Were all royal dinners like this?

I ate quickly and before I knew it, I was finished. I stood up and pushed my chair in. "May I be excused?" I ask with my most polite voice. The queen nods, and I curtsy before rushing up to my room. I wasn't tired, but in truth, I just wanted to forget about my worries.

Daddy still wasn't here, and it's been a whole day! What could be taking him so long!

I squeeze my pillow tightly as I shut my eyes, trying to sleep. I did this for awhile, but it didn't work. I was frustrated. Why couldn't I fall asleep?

"Nashi?" The door slightly opens to reveal a worried queen. I turn my head, squinting my eyes from the sudden brightness.

"Are you alright?" She walks in and sits on the bed, while I sit up and hug my knees.

"I'm just worried. Daddy still isn't here yet..." I burry my head in my arms. "You don't think he abandoned me do you?"

The queen wraps her arms around me and holds me tightly. "Oh no..." she loosens her grip.

"He just left for a little while. I promise, he'll be back before you know it." She assures me. "Yea..." I say softly, still a bit sad.

The queen notices this. She lets go completely and stands up. "Here, follow me." She lends out a hand. I reluctantly take it and she gently leads me out of my room.

We venture out into the hallway and take many turns before ending up at a balcony at the end of one hallway. My eyes light up at what I see.

I saw small houses and buildings with lights in almost all of the windows. The bustling city I saw when I first came was now a quite, serene kingdom. Covering the city, almost similar to a blanket; were hundreds and hundreds of stars. They all shone and lit up the city with a certain glow.

It was beautiful, and something that I didn't think I would see again.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

"You rule... all of this?!" I gasp, shocked.

"Well, more than that really. But this is my home. All of Fiore."

"You have a pretty home."

"Fiore is your home too silly!" The Queen giggles. I ponder for a bit before the realization hits me. "Oh yeah!"

"Do you see the moon?" She asks, pointing up. How could I not? The moon shone almost brightest of all, illuminating the city and everything that it's light touched.

"Yeah, it's lighting up everything!" I respond. "That's right. So that means that other people could be looking at the moon too."

"You really think so?" The Queen nods.

"Always remember; if you feel alone, just look at the moon. I guarantee you that someone is also looking at the same moon, and might even be feeling the same way you do."

I stare at it. Could a big rock in space really hold that much meaning?

No, it was just a rock. But if other people are looking at it, then... we're all connected!

I get it now.

"Thank you."

Hisui smiles. "Any time." She bends down and ruffles my hair. "Well, it's about time for bed, wouldn't you say so?" I groan. "Do I have to?"

"Yes. How else are you going to wake up for breakfast tomorrow??"

"I guess your right."

Woo wow it's been awhile. I hope this chapter didn't feel rushed, if it was, then sorry. Almost done though. I hope you enjoy, Sayonara 🥳

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