3: Her Beauty

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(Fast forward 8 months cause I'm lazy heeeeyyyyy)

Erza's POV
It's been 8 months since Lucy left and we captured the dragon slayers with our plan. It's been 7 months since they went back to normal and Levy and Mira returned. Without Lucy, the guild was very different, but we knew she would be safe and happy, so we let it go. We never told the dragon slayers where Lucy went off too, or why. The only people who know are Master, Mira, Gray, Juvia, Levy, and I. We wanted to keep it that way. Of course, Natsu had a problem with that, but he would just have to deal with it.

Natsu's POV
It's been 7 months since I last remember seeing her face. Apparently Gajeel, Laxus, and I were in a season called dragon mating season. Bull crap! I don't like anyone here more than family, at least I think. When I 'came to my senses' I saw Erza looking me in the face. I asked her why and then she and the others started to mumble about something saying it worked or something. That wasn't the only thing that was weird. I couldn't smell or hear Lucy. She was normally always by my side. That was, until she left. I never really knew why, and no one would tell me. It broke my heart. I tried searching for her, but I never found her. I'm still looking, but I'm running out of places to look and losing hope. Please Luce. Come home.

Lucy's POV
I look down into my precious daughters eyes. Nashi. How I loved her perfect skin, her light, salmon hair, her brown eyes almost identical to mine. She was ... perfect.

It's been a week since I gave birth. Nashi came out a little early, but she was still healthy and safe. I remember the pain I went through while giving birth. It was like the time she was conceived, maybe better, maybe worse. But when I held her in my arms I felt all the pain go away. I couldn't believe I was looking at my child. My baby. It was all so unreal.

Adjusting to being a single parent has been rough the past week. With Nashi's  non stop crying, waking up in the middle of the night. It was tiring, but I managed.

Today was the day I was moving out of the castle. I know Princess Hisui would beg me to stay longer, but I can't. She's taken care of me for so long, and I can't help but feel guilty. I found out that the place I had before was still available, and I had to take it before it was too late. I had managed to start working for Sorcerer Weekly again, and finally had my life back in order. It was finally time to start anew.

Yeye short chapter but I'm doing two more major timeskips, so I'm doing a chapter for each one k abii

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