13: A Promise

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^^^Cute uwu

No one's POV

"You said what?!" Erza belted, waking up all the children. "Nashi left." Mira grinned. "How are you so happy! She could be missing!" Levy exclaims. "Yeah, and Natsu wont be happy!" Wendy states. "We'll their both definitely not blue.." Carla starts. "Not the time!" They all say. "You all are overreacting. We all know she went with Natsu. After all, she is Natsu and Lucy's Daughter; nothing would've stopped her. I think Natsu even saw it coming." Mira giggles. They all nod. Erza sighs. "Yeah, I just hope they can find Lucy." The ladies all nod as they make their way to the guest room, where their groggy children await. 

Nashi's POV

The background is dark, but I can hear voices. Is this a dream? 


The voice grows louder, as if calling to her.


It was as if it was so close, almost as if she could grab it.



I jolt awake, slapping the poor soul who was in front of me, that being my father. "Oh, s-sorry about that." I frown, afraid of what would happen next. "I told you she would find a way to come! After all, she is Stubborn like Lucy, and headstrong, like you!" Happy giggles. "Oh shut it cat!" Natsu grumbles. "Look whose learning now..." The exceed snickers. "Why you-" Happy flies out the window before he could get his 'punishment'. Natsu grumbles. 

After awhile, I break the silence. "Are you.. mad at me?" Nashi murmurs. "I wish I could be, but I could never be mad at you." Natsu rubs my head. "Plus, I expected it; thanks to the many warnings the guild gave me." Daddy rolls his eyes and I giggle. "So where do we start?" I ask sitting on the bed. "Well, Clover is pretty huge. I guess we could just start by asking around??" Natsu questions himself. "Sure!" I grin. Daddy reaches out his hand to me and I take it happily, walking out with him into the town. 

"That. Was. Pointless!" I exaggerate, plopping onto the bed. "I know.." Daddy sighs. He takes off his vest and scarf; and plops down on the bed. "None of them knew anything." Natsu pouts. "Well there was that other lady that said she saw a blond mage taking a train to the Oshibana Station!" I remember. "Ughh... don't mention trains or I might puke.." Dad barfs. I giggle. "Oh, by the way, where's Happy?" I ask. "I'm right here!" A blue cat flies in. "And what have you been up to bud?" "I went to go see Carla. I gave her fishies, heheeee~" Happy giggles. 

"Did they ask about me?" I ask, a little afraid of the answer. "Oh.. yeah. Especially Erza." Happy ponders. The thought of Aunt Erza only mad at me makes chills creep up my spine. "Okay, I think I'm going to stay away from Magnolia for awhile." I stammer. "Wow, the fearless Nashi? Scared of one red headed mage? Shame, Shame." Happy tsks. "ITS ERZA SCARLET! ERZA FRICKING SCARLET! EVERYONE IS SCARED OF HER!" I yell at the arrogant exceed. "Tsk. Watch your mouth little girl! Should I teach you about manners?" Happy chuckles. 

"Should I teach you about my fist?"

"Hey! Take it easy!" Happy shivers. I smirk at the cats sudden change of mood as I light my left fist on fire."What, are you scared? Its only a bit of fire.." My smirk widens.  "Wah~! Natsu! Help! Your daughter is threatening me!" Daddy looks back and forth between Happy and I. He then closes his eyes. "Sorry, your on your own." Happy's face goes white. Natsu chuckles and walks out of the bedroom into the living room. I sigh and extinguish my fist. 

"Your a waste of time anyways.." I smirk as I see Happy fly away with his tail between his legs. 1-0. 

My eyes flutter open. I wake up in the bed. Huh? How'd I get here? I climb out and walk into the main room. Looking out of the window, it seems to be about 8'oclock. I shift my vision to my father fast asleep on the couch. I giggle and walk up to him. I hear him mumbling in his sleep. "Luce... are you... gonna... leave... ag..ain?" He pouts in his sleep. I've never seen Dad like this. Clingy and afraid. He's normally tough and head-strong, so seeing him like this puts me even more in panic. I frown and push him out of the couch. 

"Uggggh, Nashi what was that for?" Daddy groans. "We have to get ready to go looking! You promised me!" I pout. Daddy's tired face turns into an expressionless one. Something about what I said changes his attitude. I don't know what it was, but it causes him to get up from his back. He sits up, reaching my height. He then puts one hand on my head. "Your right kiddo..." I tilt my head, confused at his pause.

"...I'm not known for breaking promises."

Idek I've been feeling prettly blah lately; and with testing my inspiration is like deceased, but enjoy. Sayonara <3

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