5: Saying See You Later

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Time skiiiiiippp brought to you by Natsu Smash hehe

Lucy's POV
Nashi is four years old now. I remember just yesterday she was born. My, does time fly.

Nashi loves cherry blossoms, so for her 4th birthday, as a late present, I got her and I tickets to magnolias flower festival. I know that Natsu might be there, because of the tree we marked, but I hope he isn't.

We get on the train and I sit Nashi on my lap. "Mommy?" She looks up at me with her big eyes. My big eyes. "Yes, angel?" I smile at her. "Have you ever seen the trees?" She asks. I nod my head sweetly. "Yes, I have. They're were almost the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen." "What's the prettiest?" Nashi questions. "You Silly!" I put my finger on her nose. Nashi giggles. "Man, I can't wait to see them!"

We arrive at Magnolia. I put on a strong smelling perfume so that Natsu can't recognize me. I put a dark cloak on Nashi and I before stepping out of the train station.

Nashi's POV
We walk towards the park. I'm so excited! I'd never seen them before, but from what mommy says it sounds pretty awesome! Mommy made us wear these weird jackets. She said to keep our identities secret. I don't know why, but as long as I get to see the trees, I'm happy.

We reach the trees and I can't believe my eyes. The trees are beautiful. It's like light pink clouds are everywhere! "Woah!" I say. Mommy smiles down at me. I look at her and she nods. "Yay! Thanks Mommy!" I run towards the park, leaving Mommy behind. I run up to a tree and look up, causing my hood to fall. I was so much in shock, I didn't notice someone walk up towards me. "Pretty, isn't it?"

A man with spiky pink hair like mine walks up to me. "Yeah! It's beautiful!" I exclaim. "This used to be mine and my friends favorite tree. But, she left 5 years ago." He frowns. "Oh." I look down. I then look back at him and smile. "I hope you find her someday." The man is shocked at first, but then nods and smiles. "Yeah, I hope so too." I look back to see Mommy gone. "Mommy?" I whisper. "Did you lose her? I could help you find her." The man looks at me. But I can still faintly smell her, so I dismiss his offer. " No thanks mister! I know where she is. Bye!" I wave at the guy and run away, towards mommy's scent.

Natsu's POV
Its strange, that little girl reminded me so much of her, that it was almost creepy.
My nose has never failed me, and it didn't This time either. "Mommy!" I yelled. She turned around. She looked around. She then grabbed my arm and pulled me behind a building. "Nashi..." she looks at me with serious eyes. Her hood is down. "Mommy? What's wrong?" I ask, sensing her worries from a mile away. "That man that you were talking to earlier, he's.... your father." I gasp. Before I can talk she covers my mouth. "I know I haven't really said much about it till now. But I saw how you two interacted. I don't want you to grow up without a father, so I'll let you live with him for a month. He works in the guild of Fairy Tail, so you can find him there. You can see if you like him or not, then on the 30th day of May, I'll come back, we'll meet at the park, then we'll leave. However, you can't let him know that you are his child. Do you understand?" Mommy finishes. I nod and start to tear up. "Aw, don't cry Nashi. You'll love him. And I won't be gone for long. You'll be back home as soon as you know it." I nod. She pulls me close. I'll miss this warmth. I wipe my tears and Mommy hands me a bag with some of my stuff from home. I hug her once more, and walk away, backpack on my back, and feet destined for Fairy Tail.

After awhile of walking, I reach the park, exhausted. I plop down my bag and press my against the tree. Im about to daze off when I hear a loud voice from behind the tree. "Hey! It's not my fault that flame-brain wanted to be such a pain!" "Shut it Ice Freak!" I look around to see the man from earlier, Daddy, fighting with another guy with dark blue hair and no shirt. "That's enough!" A woman with red hair yells at them. They're voices then become very high pitched. "Sorry ma'am!" I giggle, which makes Daddy turn around and look right at me. I freak out and hide back behind the tree grabbing my bag. I turn around and see Daddy right behind me. "Oi! It's you again." "You know this little girl, pyro?" The man with no shirt says. (It autocorrected to skirt lmao) Daddy grumbles as the Red haired Lady walks up to me. "Hi! I'm Erza Scarlett. And who might you be?" She smiles politely. I look down at my toes and shuffle my feet. "Nashi." I say. Mommy never told me my last name. "Well Nashi, would you like to join our festival?" She asks. "Sure!" I say, and follow them to the festivities.

We play games and watch the trees. It was so fun! Daddy was really quiet though. I wonder why.

The Erza lady was really nice to me. She introduced me to the guild and gave me food! She wouldn't let me have her strawberry cake though. (Sigh)

It's getting late, and my eyes start to droop. I then get shaken awake by an old man. I look up at him. "I don't think you'd want to miss this." He says, sitting next to me. I look up at the trees, rubbing my eyes. As I got used to my vision, I saw the prettiest thing I'd ever seen, beside Mommy of corse.

The trees had turned into a pastel rainbow. It was so pretty. "Wow!" I gasp, my eyes lighting up. I stared in awe. "Tell me, why have you come here, child of Lucy." I gasp. "It's okay, you can trust me." I sigh. "Mommy wants me to spend time with my father for awhile." He nods. "Would you like to become a member of Fairy Tail?" I nod. "The people are so nice! And everyone seems so happy together!" The man chuckles. I'm Master Makarov. I'm apart of the 6 people who know who you are, although half of them haven't seen you yet. Those individuals are Erza; the girl you met earlier with red hair, Gray; the guy without a shirt with dark blue hair, Levy; she has light blue hair and you haven't met her yet, or you don't remember, Juvia; another lady who has blue hair, married to Gray, and Mira, a girl with white hair married to my grandson, Laxus. Only Erza, Levy, and I have ever seen you after you were born." I nod, taking in all the information. "You want to stay with your father, do you not?" I nod. "He's left, so I'll just let you stay with Levy for tonight, is that okay?" I nod and smile. "Thank you, Master." I giggle. He grins wide.

Lucy's POV
I watch from afar and start to cry. I was letting my baby go for a month. A month I would be without her. I couldn't bear the thought, but it had to be done. Natsu has to at least meet his daughter, or catch somewhat of her childhood. I look up at the trees. I forgot how pretty the blossoms were. I wipe away my tears and walk away, saying not goodbye to my daughter, but see you later, a phrase that promises my return. "See you later, Nashi.."

This was pretty long, I hope it makes up for not posting for awhile. Guh baiiii, or see you later. ;)

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