7: Restart

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Nashi's POV
We walk towards Daddy, or Natsu's house. I'm so excited! I'm wondering where he lives or what it's like? Is it clean like mommy's place? Is it dirty? I guess I'll have to wait and see.

After awhile of silence daddy finally speaks up. "You from around here?"
"U-uh, no. I live in Crocus." Oh no! Should I have told him that? What if he catches on!

Daddy nods and we continue to walk. I look more at his features. I know from other people that I have my mom's eyes, but I look exactly like this guy! He has pink, spiky hair like I do obviously, but the same face shape and mouth. Hopefully he won't catch on because of that. With what I've heard, I don't think it will be a problem.

"Hey Natsu?"
"Yeah kid?"
"Have you ever.... loved somebody?"
"What?" Daddy looks confused.

"I-I mean not that I would know, but I just want to know." I look down nervously and fidget with my skirt.
"Uh, I don't- wait, How old are you anyways?" Daddy says, trying to avoid the question. I hold up 4 fingers.
"I'm four!"
"Just four? Man your smart for a little girl."
"Hey!" I cross my arms. "Mommy says I'm a big girl now!"
"Ah, uh, I-I mean the lady who works at the orphanage. She treats me like I'm her kid, and she let me come here. That's what I mean, haha..." I stutter. Natsu gives me a weird look, then continues on. "Come on, were almost there." Phew! I thought for sure he would catch on! I better be careful.

After a few minutes, we walk to this small hut on the outside of the forest. We walk in and I pinch my nose. "P U! What's that smell?" I gag. "Rotten Fish, I guess Happy forgot to take out his trash. Oh well." Daddy sighs. "Oh well? Oh well?! It smells like a pig pen! How am I supposed to live here?" I complain. Daddy shrugs his shoulders and walks into the next room. I roll my eyes. I'm about to go look around when something catches my eye. It's a picture of Mommy. I look over and see a board of paper, job requests I'm guessing. Then I see a signature and a maid outfit. Where did all of this come from?

I reach for the picture of Mommy. Just as my hands brush the picture, I hear a voice from behind me. "Hey!" Daddy yells and rushes over to me. He grabs the picture  from my grasps. I look up at him and see his face. It's angry. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" "Don't you ever touch this again" Natsu snaps, interrupting me. He then takes the picture and walks into his room, slamming the door. I frown and run outside.

I sit outside the door and hide my face in my arms. "Who are you?" I look up and see a flying blue cat looking at me. " And why do you look so sad?" This must be Happy. From what Mommy told me, he can be mean and silly, but he's nice and cares for his friends. "Natsu yelled at me for touching a picture. I think he hates me." I pout. Happy ponders for a minute, then responds. "Ah, I see. Don't worry, I'll fix him for you, kukuku" The small blue chuckled and flew into the small shack that Daddy lived in. I wonder how a small blue cat like that could help my raging Dad....

Natsu's POV
I slam the door and plop down on my hammock, the picture in my hands. I stare at it. It's the picture of when Lucy first joined the guild. She had her hand up in front of the picture with her pink guild mark on her hand. Her smile, stretching across her face as she was glad to become a new member. Even though at the time I was a bit distracted, I'll never forget how happy she was. When she left, I was kind of alone. Everyone got Married and had kids, Happy moved on with Carla, so it's been just me for the longest time. And I sure as hell didn't want that.

"Natsu?" Happy walks into our, er my room. "So you finally decide to visit. What's up?" I respond blandly. "I just came to check up on you when I saw a little pink haired girl pouting in front of our door!" Happy semi-yelled. "Oh you mean that brat." I groan. Happy looks at me with a suspicious look. "Natsu what's with you? I know ever since she left you've been down, but she's just a kid." Happy jumps on the hammock with me. "I know, it's just, she reminds me so much of her." I look down. She had the same big chocolate eyes. I know that a lot of people have them, but this is different. She's just so familiar and I don't know why. "Maybe you should apologize, ya know, make sure she knows that you don't hate her?" Happy retorts. "Yeah, yeah." I get up and walk out of my room.

I open the door and the little girl falls back on her head. "That hurt!" She pouts as she rubs the top of her head. I bend over so that my face is parallel to hers. "Hey kid, we started on the wrong path. Can we start over?" I say, reaching my hand out to her. She then giggles and grins. "Sure!"

Hope u enjoyed luv u bai

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