15: Hisui E. Fiore, The Queen

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I wake up on the bed. Again? I told him I was fine with the couch! I sigh. Lately, my Dad has been overprotective. Maybe it's the fact that he just found out that I was his daughter, or that I'm a small kid in a big city. Either way, he's been super clingy. Me not having a father for most of my life, it was kind of weird. I was used to having a mother, so now  that I have a father that's aware, it's different. It's like a different person showing their love in a different way. I wondered what would happen if they joined together, like a family. What would that be like? Would it be joined together, or repel against each other. It was a mystery to me. Maybe if we found Mommy, I would be able to find out.

"Dad! Get up!" I yell. "mmmgh, in a minute..." He mumurs sleepily. I sigh. "Sorry, Daddy." I then kick him off the couch. "Ugh.. I'm up Luce..." I quirk my head at this statement. "I'm Nashi, Daddy." He rubs his eyes and looks at me. "You act too much like your mother, you know that right?" I giggle and make a pose. Daddy chuckles. "Come on, let's get ready to head to Crocus." 


After hours of barfing from my Dad, we finally reach Crocus. As soon as we arrive, the scent of flowers hits me. It must hit my Dad too, because as soon as we arrive, he sighs in slight comfort. 

The town was even busier than Oshibana, with pop-up shops and restaurants galore. One thing did catch my eye though, the big arena that sat on top of the city. It seemed so ancient and ominous, but interesting. I couldn't pinpoint it. "Food?" Daddy's eyes shimmer. "Go for it." I say nonchalantly. He then runs off, seemingly forgetting me behind. I sigh at his childlike manner and look back at the arena. "I guess one adventure wont hurt," I smirk, running towards the area. 

I walk through the tunnel and into the light. When everything clears up, I gasp in excitement and wonder. 

There are seats all around, all facing the center; where I somehow wound up. I could sense great magic power here, even though it was abandoned. It all felt so surreal, like a lucid dream. "Beautiful, isn't it?" I hear a new voice. I turn around and see a woman with green hair that went to her back. She had a headpiece on, and wore a short mint dress. "Sorry for startling you. I guess I should introduce myself more formally." The lady clears her throat. "I am Hisui E. Fiore, queen of Fiore." My eyes grow wide. 

"Your the person who rules the whole Kingdom?!?!" I exclaim. The queen chuckles. "Not exactly. I have advisors, you know." "B-but, your a prince- queen! Your royalty!" I gasp. "Royalties are still people. We make mistakes. Here, let me show you." She holds out her hand. I take it hesitantly, and walk with her. 

She leads me to the castle. I gasp. "It's so pretty!"  "Thank you." She grins. "Say, I told you my name, what's yours?" I pause, before responding. "Nashi. Nashi Dragneel." The queen freezes. "Nashi?! Is it really you?!" The queen squeals, picking me up. "AH! Put me down!" I pout. "Sorry." Queen Hisui chuckles. "What? Is my name special?" I ask. "No, silly. I've just met you before." "Really?! I've met royalty before?!"  I ask, even more excited. "Not exactly. Here, lets discuss it over tea." 

We sit down at a huge table while butlers bring in food. It's so cool! I can't help but to dig in! "I guess I should explain now, let's start from the beginning." 

Queen Hisui ends up telling me everything from when my mom came for refuge, till when she left after I was born; while I tell her how my life has been ever since I remember. "Wow, I had no idea that that was why mommy left daddy." I ponder. The queen nods. "But I'm glad your safe. And that you've grown into such a wonderful little girl." I pout. "I'm not that little..." I mumble. She chuckles. 

"I guess I can call you Auntie Hisui?" I ask. "I'd love that." Auntie Hisui smiles. I grin. "Queen Hisui..." A guard arrives. "Hm?"  "There's a visitor from the Fairy Tail. Should I let him in?" "Oh of course! That's probably Natsu. Must be worried sick!" The Queen exclaims. "Very well, my queen." The guard bows, then disappears behind the wall. I then hear running. Sooner or later, my Dad bursts through the dining room doors. "Nashi! Thank God! Don't leave me ever again!" Daddy hugs me tightly. "It was the other way around, idiot." I grumble. "Nashi!" "Sorry.."

"I'm sorry, Natsu. I didn't know you were looking for her." Auntie Hisui apologizes. "Don't worry about it. She's safe and that's all that matters." Daddy grins while looking down at me. "I heard about Lucy. If there's anything you need, I can help you." Hisui suggests. "Can we stay Daddy? Please!" I whine. "Sorry, Nash. We have to go get our stuff from the hotel. Plus, we have to find Happy. Maybe tomorrow."  I frown. "I can arrange that. A room for both of you." "Really?!" My eyes sparkle. The queen nods. 

"Yay! I get to sleep in a castle! This is the best day ever!"

WOWOWOWOA its been forever. Well schools done so I can and will post more. It will be busy thou because I'm trying to start a project, while going to camp so. We'll c. 

Sayonara <3

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