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"Wake up, idiot!" I hear faintly. I slowly open my eyes and see Ethan jumping up and down on my bed. I let out a loud groan.

"Why the fuck have you dressed already?" I whine as I slowly try to get myself out of bed.

"We have about 30 minutes left before the first period, Gray!" Ethan shouts and gets off my bed.


I get dressed as fast as I could, wearing black ripped jeans, black converse and a red Adidas long sleeve. I get my back and run downstairs.

"Ready to see Julia again?" Ethan asks, packing his bag. After her cute little speech, we haven't seen her anymore. She interests me in a weird way.

"Oooooh, is there a girl already, Gray?" My mom says, wiggling her eyebrows causing me to chuckle.

"Nah mom, not in that way," I reply. "It's Nate his girlfriend."

"Ah okay, well good luck today boys," she says and kisses us both on our cheeks. We get into E's Jeep and drive to school.

When we park we see Nate and Julia just coming out of Nate's car next to our parking spot.

"Morning boys," Nate says. Julia just waves.

"Morning beautiful," I say to Julia with a wink and she replies with her classic eye-roll. I walk up to her and grab her arm.

"Ready to take the game even further?" I say softly. She looks at me confused.

"What game, Gray?" she says.

"Your words were 'two can play that game', remember?" I say.

"Not at school."

"Aw, I thought you happened to love games," I say, teasing her with a soft and husky voice.

She stops walking, causing me to stop too. She comes closer, looking really irritated.

"Listen, Dolan," she says softly but stern, "I'm a straight-A student with zero red flags in my file and I would like to keep it that way. I'm the number one student of Redwood High to go to any Ivy League I want to, so not me, but definitely not you, is going to fuck that up for me. Got it?"

"We'll see," I smirk and wink at her before I head inside.



Ugh, he's such an ass. I walk inside and spot Max and Hannah in the hallways and walk up to them.

"Morning princess," Max says. "who hurt you this early?"

"Ugh, it's Grayson," I sigh, rolling my eyes. "He's such a dick."

They frown, asking why. Just as I was about to explain what happened at the party the bell rings.

"I'll text you in class," I say and we exchange our goodbyes before going to class.

I start my day with English and as I enter the classroom I spot Ethan. I give him a faint smile and decide not to sit near him. Right before class Nate runs in, kisses me on my cheek and rudely decided to sit next to Ethan. I roll my eyes and grab my phone to text Emma, Hannah and Max in our group chat explaining the situation.


During our lunch break, I sit outside with them and we talk about what happened.

"That is so weird, why is he being such a freak?" Emma says and I shrug.

"He's just a bully I think," I say. "I don't really think he fits in Nate's group but I think he'll kill me when I tell him. He's been rambling about how great they are since Saturday. It's like he's crushing on them," I chuckle.

Suddenly we hear shouting. I look over to my right and see Grayson and Bryan, the dickhead/bully of the school. Ever since he didn't make it into the school's sports team he's been acting out, but because his dad is the principal he never gets caught. The boys stand in front of each other, both looking really aggressive.

"Oh.. my God?" Max says slowly.

"What the-" Emma adds.


Grayson scoffs at him and runs his hand through his hair.

"I think I just did?" he simply replies. Bryan does not look happy with that response and pushes Grayson to the ground.

"Oh wow," I say, and I see the principal coming outside just as Grayson hits Bryan on his nose.

"Grayson Dolan!" I hear principal Underwood shouting. "What in the name of God do you think you're doing?"

Bryan's nose was bleeding and he was groaning in pain. We got up and walked slowly to the scene.

"He pushed me first, sir!" Grayson shouts back at him.

"I don't care," the principal replies. "Detention! This Saturday!"

"Oh come on!" Grayson says irritated. "That's just a dick move!"

"Fine!" The principal says rather loud. "Might as well clear all of your Saturdays for the upcoming month then!" And he walks away.

I chuckle as we walk past Grayson.

"What?!" he says, looking angry.

"Nothing," I shrug. "It's just pathetic," and we walk away from him.

"I'll get you in detention too if you don't watch out, princess!" he shouts at me.

I turn around. "I'd love to see you try, Dolan!" I shout back and I wave at him before walking inside.


thank you for reading, let me know what you think

love u


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