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"Make a left here," Ethan says, giving me directions. We pull up to the parking lot in front of the huge mansion-like building. I'm looking for a parking spot when Ethan suddenly distracts me.

"Hey, isn't that Nate?" He says. "Who is that girl?"

I look over and see Nate firmly holding a girl by her shoulders. As we come closer I recognize it's Julia.

"I guess so," I say. "It looks intense."

Ethan hums in agreement and points to a parking spot. I reverse park the Jeep and get out of it right away. I see Julia linking her arm with Nate's and walking off. She looks back, I smile and she returns the favor before rapidly walking to the entrance.

"What was that about, you think?" Ethan asks. We're slowly walking to the entrance. 

"I don't know," I say. "I just hope it's not about me."

As we get in the large room, it was filled with amazing decorations and a live band. There are drinks and food everywhere. I look around to find Julia on the other side of the room. She's shaking hands with everyone, accepting compliments about her and Nate and trying so hard to look in love it's almost pathetic. I roll my eyes and grab a glass of champagne from a tray some waiter was holding. I down it and Ethan raises his eyes.

"Slow down, buddy," he says. "We have to be here all night."

"Yeah, that's why," I say, burp and follow Ethan more into the room.

Ethan walks up to Lucas, a guy in Nate's football team. We greet him and start chatting, but I can't keep my eyes off of Julia.

"She looks amazing, huh?" Lucas then says to me, also looking at Julia. "If they'll ever break up again I know who I'd hit on..."

I feel anger boiling, but try to push it away.

"True bro," I just say. I grab my phone and decide to text her. I have to know what that was about.

To: Julia

Can we meet somewhere private here? I need to talk to you

I look over after I press send and she takes her phone out of her mini purse and looks around. I see her texting back before excusing herself.

From: Julia

Sure, bathrooms 2 mins

I tell Ethan I have to go to the bathroom and he just nods and continues talking to Lucas. I make my way through the crowd, following the signs that say 'bathroom' on it. I wait in front of it. I see her coming towards me and I sneak into the men's bathroom and into a stall. She's right behind me and locks the door of the bathroom. I get out of the stall and look at her.

"Y-you look breathtaking," I stutter and she smiles.

"Thank you, Gray," she smiles. "What's up?"

"Well, I saw you and Nate talking and it looked pretty intense," I say, scratching my neck. "Are you okay?"

She looks at me as if she got caught. She fiddles with her fingers and sighs.

"Nate told me that my dad saw us this afternoon at my car," she then confesses. "He is now willing to do anything to make you stay away from me." 

"I saw this car parked on the curbs," I say. "I never thought anything of it so I just went home."

She scoffs and shakes her head. "Typical..." 

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