Ch.1 (The Huntress)

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I hummed the lullaby my mother loved to sing to me at times of happiness and serenity. I've already stomped out two generators and killed three survivors. One is left and from what I've heard, she's worse than the others.I gripped my axe, thinking it could be her first time in my domain. Either she needs one more generator to activate or she has to find the hatch.

However for a second, just a second, that I saw a shadow running through the trees in the distance. I continue to hum and scan the trees and rocks for any sign of her. Then there I could see a figure. Rushing to the latch with the keys in her hands, unaware of my presence. I threw my hatchet in perfect timing as it struck her back and she fell to the ground. She slowly starts to get back up again and I realize I have to act fast when it comes to her.

I rushed to her and with my remaining strength struck her back again with my axe, a scream escapes from her and she remained motionless. I then hoisted her over my shoulder, she didn't even have the strength to struggle as her body became limp. I smiled to myself as I easily made my way to a hook. I've finally defeated the survivor that other killers whined about everyday, they'll shower me with praise once I tell them of my greatest achievement.

"Let...Let me go," the girl spoke softly as she tried to wiggle out of my grip, but she couldn't escape to no avail.

I laughed and she stopped moving.

"You are my greatest catch of the day, I will not be happy if I let you go easily."

I quickly pierce her with the hook then watched her cry and writhe with agony. I almost felt sympathy for the small pretty thing. Almost.

"Stop struggling and give in, you'll be back here soon," I smiled at her and she did not accept my kind words.

"Fuck you."

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