*Lemon #1*

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"Babeee," y/n whined and kicked her legs like a little girl having a tantrum.

Anna rolled her eyes as she came into the living room then sat down on the couch next to her girlfriend. "What?"

Y/n immediately threw her arms around Anna's neck then leaned in to kiss her jawline. "I miss you~"

Anna chuckled then sighed as she held y/n closer. "Seriously, what is it with you?"

"Hmm?" Y/n hummed as she nuzzles her.

"You've been weird this whole week."

"Mhmm..." Y/n continued her shenanigans and starts to lower her kisses on Anna's bare neck.

"Y/n," Anna scolds then groans as she felt her girlfriend rub her core against her baby maker. Anna's mind drifted off for a second until she grabbed y/n's hands to stop.

"Woah hey, talk to me y/n. Why are you like this?"

Y/n's cheeks puffed angrily and agitation beamed in her eyes. "Because I'm on my period, Anna. Which means I'm under heat, which means you're going to fix it. Now."

Y/n then pushed Anna back on the couch, and Anna looked up at her girlfriend in astonishment, this is the first time she's being taken advantage of. Y/n starts to strip from her clothes then open Anna's too, and the Huntress was too much of in a shock to react.

Y/n was only in her undergarments as she dove for Anna's lips then start to suck and bite. Anna moaned deeply as y/n went further with her tongue, swapping saliva and savoring the taste of each other's hot oral cavity. Anna however, won back her battle as she ferociously mouth fucked y/n, and y/n then submitted.

Anna's hands slid down y/n's curves, sides then her ass. Anna gave it a tight squeeze, causing y/n to moan erotically against her mouth. When y/n noticed Anna's hard on, she hurriedly unzipped her girlfriend's jeans and Anna kicked them off in haste.

Y/n reached into her briefs and starts to massage her shaft. Anna bellows then gripped y/n's hips, they share eye contact before making out again.



Y/n's lips made magic down my neck as I felt her suck and bite at my pulse points. I knew this day would come one day, and the dominant y/n only existed in my dreams. This was a dream come true.

I sat up to play with her and take her in her full naked glory. She sighed happily as I rained love bites down her neck, then ravish her chest. I smirked as she took off her underwear then laid back to watch.

Her turned on, dominant self is so fucking beautiful, that it's too good to be true.



I smirked back at Anna and knew she wanted a show. So I held her buddy steady then start to lower myself, I was only at the tip when I let out a loud pleasurable sob.


Anna chuckled lowly then gripped my hips, pushing me down into the base of her large cock. I could feel her penis penetrate my spongy and silky walls, I moaned as I started to bounce.

"Oh fuck~" Anna groaned loudly as I continued my actions. I straddled her hips even more as I slid down her dick easily and smoothly.

My hips slapped with hers and each time we collide worlds, I would let out a breathy moan of Anna's name and feel my high build up. Anna thrusted up at times, but I didn't really want her to take control like all those other times. I'm the one who started this, and I'm going to be the one who finishes it.

"Godammit, Anna~" I blew some hair off my face and tried to be serious, but I couldn't because I was loving her dick. She smiled at me, humming.

I shook my head and nearly screamed when I found my sweet spot, then started to hit it repeatedly. My walls clenched tightly around Anna's shaft and I felt something that sent jolts of pleasure through me, Anna's shaking.

"Babe~ ❤️"

I looked down at her trembling figure as she bit her lip.


Third person

Anna was about to burst as y/n continued to ride her. She always knew that y/n cummed first before she, but the power of her girlfriend seemed to have turn the tables. (Yeah you 😏) The room was filled with the sounds of lewd sex, moans and skin slapping pleasure.

It wasn't long before y/n had to let go too, but she wasn't going to until Anna gave in first.

Y/n moved faster, the walls gripping tighter onto Anna until she couldn't take it anymore. But before she could shout, Anna beats her too it.

"Y/n~!! Fuck!" Anna cursed and panted as y/n bounced the fuck out of her.

Two seconds later, Anna shoots her load and sighs in relief. Y/n gasped in ecstasy as she felt Anna's seed invade her. Y/n later lets go of her juices, collapsing on top of Anna.

Anna ran her long fingers through her girlfriend's hair as the contact of their warm bodies calmed them down.

"You were great." Y/n smiled and Anna kissed her forehead.

"You were better~"

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