Ch.7 *LEMON*

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Warning: Extreme Futa and Lemon is found, proceed with caution.

I woke in a bed with a soft, thick pelt that covered my body. There was no signs of any survivor or killer of the like, then I remembered. That bitch. There came the sound of footsteps approaching and I turned to that direction. What I saw is beyond any words of description. I quickly hid myself under the blanket, my face burning with flames of embarrassment from what I just witnessed.

"Do you like what you see?" The monotone voice of the female killer purred with seduction. I let out a dry laugh.

"I've seen better..."

"Are you a virgin?" The bed sunk down next to me from an unknown weight, which know very much is the Huntress. I'm screwed.


Suddenly the blanket disappeared from my grasp then I was flipped onto my back, my arms and legs being pinned down by the Huntress. I gulped as I stared up into her dark doe eyes and perfectly plump lips. She had black hair with a tan and toned body.

She's beautiful.

"Only one way to find out." She smirked before smashing my lips against hers.


Third person pov

Y/n eventually melted under the spell of the Huntress and her kiss. The Huntress bit her lip for access and y/n eagerly opens for her, exploring each other's wet cave. A moan first escapes y/n before it reflected in the Huntress as her throat rumbled. Soft kisses and love bites decorated y/n's neck as the Huntress proceeds to go lower, opening y/n's shirt in the process. With lovely, skilled hands, the Huntress unclasped the hooks to y/n's bra and began to hungrily suck on the smaller female's tits. Y/n moaned loudly at the sudden action, a feeling of electricity tingling down her spine to the lower region of her body.

The Huntress lovingly licked, sucked and swirled her tongue around the girl's nipples. She grinds herself against y/n, her groin very awake and aroused. The Huntress reaches back up to connect her lips with y/n as her hands sneaked their way onto her clitoris. Y/n took her underwear off in haste before earning a chuckle from the Huntress and a deep kiss. The Huntress then rubbed her clit quickly, causing y/n to make quick, sexy breaths.

"Call me Anna." The Huntress smiled but y/n made no response as her face was lost in pleasure. The way the killer touched her gave her undescribable bliss, further exciting her palpitating heart.

Anna got far down as to lick and flatten her tongue against y/n's red flap of sexual elation, a jolt came from y/n's body as she nearly cried out.

"Ahhh~ ❤️"

Anna moved her tongue around, getting a good taste of what laid between y/n's legs. Anna then found herself at the center of y/n's vagina and began the traditional Russian ballet, her tongue deeply dancing in between y/n's walls. Y/n could no longer hold in her cries and screams of the sexual activity. She loved it.

"More~ More please~!" Y/n pushed Anna's head deeper into herself and Anna chuckled, amused at the girl. The sound of her laugh vibrated through y/n's body, giving the girl goosebumps and electric tingles once more.

Anna paced herself before moving faster, her nose rubbing against her clit as she continued to penetrate y/n's womanhood with her tongue. Y/n felt something in her bowels tighten then Anna looked up at her.

"Are you going to come?" The vibrations of Anna's voice caused y/n to moan aloud once more. Y/n stared down at Anna between her legs, her face expressing pure, innocent confusion.


Anna smiled then dove deeper as the wet muscle of her mouth hits a tough spot in y/n's vagina. Y/n's back arches and she clutches the sheets tightly as she screams in bliss.

"AHHH~! ❤️ ANNA~!!"

Y/n came like a hurricane, her fluids leaking out like a beautiful river glistening in the moonlight. Anna grinned in satisfaction as she climbed on top of y/n and passionately liplocked with her. Y/n sighed as Anna pulled away then slowly wrapped her arms around the larger female.

"W-Where did you learn to do that?" Y/n asked with a blush on her face.

"A huntress never reveals her secret," Anna teased and Y/n stared at her incredulously.

"That's a magician!"

Anna laughed again, this time pulling y/n into it before kissing again. Then came the time that y/n confessed.

"I love you."

"Why?" Anna tilted her head, testing her.

Y/n looked around with red tint creeping onto her face before replying.

" care about me more than the other killers, and even though you sacrifice me, I can tell that you didn't want to. It was simply a task against your will and you hated it."

Anna became silent and listened intently, the response begging y/n to continue.

"You love me, ok? I get your feelings now, and I'm just trying to feel mutual about it. And to be honest, I am growing on you," y/n sighed then folded her arms. Anna touched her chin and leaned her forehead on hers.

"I love you too, and I'm thankful that I met you. You stole my heart, I want more of you everyday and you're right, I hate sacrificing you..."

Without warning, Anna pushed into her pussy and y/n screamed from the pain. Anna kissed her to shut her up and calm her, it worked. Y/n kissed back, trusting Anna to give her pleasure and stayed still. Anna waited patiently for y/n to adapt to her twelve inch cock and continued to kiss and give affection. Y/n nods to signal her lover to move, Anna accelerated into y/n slowly. Anna took her precious time for y/n's walls to tighten and as it did, she paced herself a bit faster.

"Ngh~ ahh~ Anna~ ❤️ahh~" y/n whimpered and whined cutely as Anna plowed into her, slamming her dick into y/n's body. Anna groaned with undeniable pleasure, their sex taking over her mind as she started going faster.

"Ahh~! Fuck~! Anna~!! ❤️"

"Mmf~ I love you y/n~" Anna purred as she leaned down to kiss y/n as she continued to rock the bed. Y/n's moans were sounded in very alarming volumes, probably even heard outside of the cabin.

"Anna~! I'm cumming~!!" Y/n stared at Anna with lust, her eyes shaping into hearts.

"Me too~ together~" Anna grinned before ending with the last bang against y/n's womanhood, causing both of them to scream each other's names.

"ANNA~!!! ❤️"

"Y/N~!! ❤️"

After releasing their pent up stress and endorphins, their cum mixed into each other heavily stained the bed. Anna laid on top of y/n then switched positions with her. Y/n snuggled into Anna's chest, loving the warmth it emits.

"I love you~" y/n mumbled before falling asleep then Anna hugged her close.

"I love you more~"

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