Ch.12 (Huntress pov)

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There was no sound coming from inside the house, I just saw this guy walk in five minutes ago.

"Maybe he's sleeping." Amanda shrugged.

"Hey Evan, I know you're in there. So hurry up and open the damn door." I was getting impatient, lately I was nowhere close in finding my y/n.

She has been missing for three days, and oddly enough, Evan hasn't left his place in the same amount of time. I've already searched the homes of the other killers, (much to their displeasure), but still found no y/n. Well, I searched all homes except for Evan's. Still no answer. I looked to Sally and Amanda, they both shared a look then Amanda spoke up.

"Are you going to kick down the door or something? Because you look like you're about to do just that."

"Now Anna, I know how much you miss y/n but, maybe Evan's not here," Sally of course, is trying to calm me down but this time it wasn't working.

"The bastard just walked in a few minutes ago!" I was getting more and more angry if Evan didn't open his door.

I walked straight up to the door, this time pounding.

"Evan! Fucking open the door or I'll break it down!"

"In a minute!" I hear his gruff voice from the other side then heavy footsteps. The door was only open a crack as I can see his tall figure and mask in his dark house, I pushed on the door.

"Let us in," I demanded but he stood his ground.

"Woah Anna, slow down, I just cleaned the damn place," he tries to say something to distract me but I brush it off. I smell y/n and the scent grew stronger in my nose.

"Let me in dammit!" I growled at the large male and he still refused to budge until I backed up a bit then slammed into the door, focusing on it with the weight of my body. The door eventually gave way along with Evan then he fell back.

He quickly recovered to his feet and pulled a small figure close to his side. My heart rejoiced just by looking at her and she looked at me with wide eyed surprise.

"Y/n–!" I stepped forward but Evan points his weapon at me, his body tense and ready to fight.

"Don't touch her, nobody is touching her..."

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