Ch. 14 *LEMON*

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Warning: Futa, lemon and kinky stuff are to be found in this chappie.

I tried my best to convince everyone that I would choose Evan over Anna. My heart was unhappy. I can feel Anna staring at me, I can sense her mixed emotions and the anger.

She hates me. I can tell she feels betrayed. If only I can tell her what would happen if I disobeyed the Entity, she would understand. Or maybe she won't.

I hugged Evan to suffocate the crushed feelings that were surfacing in my heart. Evan's chest made a pleased rumble as he coiled an arm around me and hugged back.

"Well?" Evan looks to Anna but I didn't want to turn and see her reaction. Anna was silent.

Then all of a sudden, I see the Pig jump on Evan's shoulders and stab his neck. It be was a petty stab, not really enough to kill but injure him.

"Argh!" Evan roared in frustration and lets go of me as he tried to grab the Pig.

I felt two other strong arms grab me from behind and carry me swiftly out of the house. I looked up and see Anna's strong jawline and her emotionless face.

I look behind to see the exit gates as we left the MacMillan Estate.


As soon as we came back to Anna's house, she dropped me, basically I was thrown down hard, then shackled my hands to a wall in a cold, dark private area near her house.

My body shook as I cried with tears. She's going to torture me. She's going to finally do what her role was meant to do, kill survivors. She hates me. She doesn't love me anymore...

A warm hand came and rested on my cheek then lifted my face up. Anna didn't have her mask on again and her features are just stunning, probably even more than mine.

My breath got caught as she opened her mouth to speak.

"Stop crying..."



I saw something that was common in every survivor's eyes when they look at me, fear. But the emotion was also mixed with sadness, I don't want her to be sad.

She obeyed me and stopped sobbing, looking deep into my eyes. I sighed then brushed a hair back from her ear.

"Do you really love Evan more than me?" I said in a serious tone then she shook her head.

"Only you."

I get closer to her then lifted her so she could sit on my lap. I licked the tender meat on her neck then she shivered.

"Then why did you do those things to him at his house?" I snarled then bit on her neck angrily causing her to whimper. "Why were you in his house in the first place?"

"A-Anna~" she moaned then rubbed herself on my lap, distracting me for a moment as my member struggled to break free. I bit her again, harder, making her cry out.

"Answer my question, you slut."

"H-He took me there..."

My hands roamed around her body then in her shirt, behind her back and between her breasts. She gasped and red colored her face.

"Why did you do it then?" I continued to question and touch her, sexually frustrating the both of us. She almost didn't answer for minute but eventually found a reply.

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