Ch.10 (Trapper pov)

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I picked up the pace and swung down on his head. The poor fellow's skull made a crack noise and I knew for sure that he couldn't get back up. I shuffled to his motionless body and picked him up, not caring about the bloody mess his injured head made.
I was then able to find a nearby hook and impale him with it. As expected, he shouts in extreme pain and tries to desperately free himself. As soon as the sacrifice completes, I hear the Entity's voice, echoing through my head.

"Trapper, I have a very special surprise for you..."

I growled and answered, "what is it?"

The Entity is suddenly acting like my mom, calling me at the wrong place in the wrong time. The Entity didn't take heed in my attitude and continued talking.

"I found you a partner."

"I'm not interested in partners right now," I snapped and noticed a survivor running past me, giving me a strange look as if my brain couldn't be any more demented. In a survivor's eyes, I was talking to myself.

"She's not just any partner, Trapper."

"If I agree to listen to you then will you leave me with my killings?" I followed the stupid son of a bitch that gave me a crazy look earlier, I'm sure his name was Jeff or some shit.

"Heh, you don't really have a choice my friend."

Hmph, its right. It can easily go in and out of a killer's mind and communicate with them. It can't control their willpower, but it can kill them. Jeff throws down a pallet in front of me and I cursed before breaking it in half.

"What's her name?"

"Oh I think a lot of you are very familiar with her, it's y/n."

I almost stopped in my tracks and laughed my ass off when I hear a loud cry of pain nearby. I moved my feet to that direction and stared down at the helpless prey in my bear trap. Y/n looked up at me with tears in her eyes, her hair covering her face as she looked back down again to pry her foot out of my trap.

"Take her. She's yours." The Entity chuckled maliciously and I continued to stare at the beautiful, sad creature.

I always didn't want to admit to myself about y/n being beautiful but now, seeing her like this, makes me want to protect her. The howl of the wolf ripped through the air as the exit gates opened for the remaining survivors, the generators are now complete. I waited and waited, no one came to y/n's aid. That made me angry at the survivors and want to kill them even more. I stepped forward and used my cleaver to loosen the trap on y/n's foot and it released. She stood up on shaky knees before stepping forward and falling to the ground.

She's too weak and I suddenly felt bad setting a trap for her to get injured.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled and she looked up at me with surprise in her eyes. She looked down to the ground and whispered.

"I-It's fine."

"Thank me later..."

"Oh shut up, you childish fool!" I yelled and noticed y/n staring at me curiously. I looked at her again and we stared each other down through the silence.

"Who are you talking to?" She finally asked and I sighed.

"To some asshole in my head."


There was silence again until I see her crawling away from me.

"Well, I'm going to try to uhh...look for the hatch even though I know I'm gonna die, but can stop me if you want."

I can't help but crack a grin under my crazy mask. Should I? I casually walked over to her body and grabbed her.

"It was worth a try," she sighed and I gave her a stern look.

"You're not dying...not tonight..."

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