Ch.13 (Trapper pov)

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"She's trying to steal y/n away from you. She wants to torture y/n."

No, I won't let her.

I raised my bloody cleaver defensively over y/n, shielding her between my body and my weapon. I glared at Anna, who was my so called friend and the one who wants y/n to suffer.

"Don't let the Huntress take away what's yours..."

"Evan...put the weapon down..."

Anna wasn't talking, but it was Sally behind her who said that. I pointed the weapon at her too.

"What are you guys doing here?" I made sure to keep my eyes trained on both of them.

"To look for her." Anna looked down at y/n and I looked at her too, y/n avoided our gazes and stared at the floor.

"What do you want to do with her?"

"Nothing, Evan. She belongs to me," Anna growled and took a step forward.

"She's doesn't," I growled back and held y/n tighter in my hold.

"Well she doesn't belong to you either! Why don't we let her decide?!"

"She doesn't need to decide because she knows who's best for her, and that's me! Right y/n?" I nudged y/n then she finally looked at the both of us.

She nods and I see Anna crack.

"That's not true!" She hissed at me and I punched her in the gut.

"H-Hey!" Y/n shouts and grabbed my arm. "P-Please, Evan, don't hurt her."

I flexed my fingers then interlaced them with y/n's, y/n looked up to me and smiled. Her smiles seemed to always melt my heart.

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