*Lemon 2.5*

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Trust me.







A hand shot out from the darkness within and grabbed you before you even realized it. You immediately screamed and was later muffled by a hand, struggling a bit in their grip. You were then released and faced the person.

It was your neighbor. Alive and well.

Now your neighbor... well, she... yes it's a she. Why don't we just give her a random name? Hmm, like Elizabeth or some shit? Sounds good? Good.

Elizabeth currently was alone too and seemed terrified of the dark. She later calms down when she realizes it's only you.

"Fucking Christ, you scared me y/n!"

"I scared you?! I thought you were going to murder me when you grabbed me like that!" You protest loudly and she tells you to shush.

"Why are you in your towel anyway? Did you finish shower or something?"

A burning sensation crawled up your cheeks as you avoided her gaze.

"Oh... yeah."

Elizabeth just sighs. "Please stay with me y/n, it's dark and we're both alone. Our spouses aren't even here to protect us."

You nod, you really didn't have a choice.


Because everything was shit dark and both of your phones died, you really couldn't see anything as you looked for clothes in Elizabeth's closet. Elizabeth was in the kitchen, probably looking for some whiskey she could grasp at and cope with the ominous darkness. You were going to join her soon after you looked for clothes.

Mumbling profanity in frustration, you froze when a sudden thump can be heard in the apartment. You slowly crept to the doorway and called out in the darkness.


No answer.

"Stop shitting me, Elizabeth. Are you ok?"

Still no answer. You were about to step inside until you heard a pained groan, similar to the sound of a wounded animal at the verge of death.

You momentarily paused and took a step back, finally sensing a new presence in the house. Something bigger and darker. Something dangerous.

And all you needed to do was escape before she finds you.


Footsteps then were heard, stomping through the apartment and towards the bedroom. Terrified, you hid in the closet and covered yourself. You also had a peek to the outside since the closet wasn't closed all the way in.

The door slammed open and you flinched at the intense force. The strong scent of iron permeated the atmosphere as the source stepped deeper into the room. Your eyes couldn't adjust well in the dark, however, you could see the intruder being monstrously tall.

The large figure starts making its way to the bathroom, which confused you because they turned the shower on. The stranger was showering, and the thought made you blush wildly.

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