Ch.4 (The Huntress)

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I just love chasing her through my forest. She seems to always think of losing me when it came to pushing down pallets or jumping through windows, but I always seem to be faster in overcoming these when I chase her. She notices sometimes too.

I slowed my pace and watched her distance herself from me. I have to say that she's quite the runner, probably even rivaling against that Thomas girl.

I hummed softly as I went in a normal pace and kept a vigilant eye for my beloved honey cakes. Everything about her is just perfect, from that beautiful (h/c) hair of hers down to her toes.

I wanted to make her mine so bad. Tonight is the perfect opportunity.

"Oh sweetheart~" I threw my hatchet and pinpointed her location. The hatchet stuck in the tree next to her head and her (e/c) orbs widen in shock.

"I found you again~"

The Huntress and Her PreyWhere stories live. Discover now