Ch.9 (Huntress pov)

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I wake up expecting y/n to be on top of me but she's gone. As soon as I got ready for the day, I couldn't stop smiling from last night. Our love has left me so much to ponder upon. Would the others care if I'm in love with a survivor?

Only one way to find out, I have to talk to the girls.


"We kind of knew already," Sally sighed then scratched her neck.

"How?" I was surprised at least.

Then Amanda snorted, which is pretty ironic for the animal she represents.

"Because y/n is the only survivor you ever talked about ever since you were the first one to kill her."

"Not only were you bragging about her, but complimenting her too," Lisa's scratchy voice chimed in.

"Oh oh! I remember this one time, Anna said, 'y/n has such nice legs'," Rin mocked while giving an impressive imitation of my voice.

"And don't forget 'such curvy figure'," Amanda giggled and I death glared at the both of them.

"My favorite one is 'the face of a goddess'," Sally continued it and laughed with the other girls. I folded my arms across my chest and grumpily pouted.

"This isn't funny."

"Oh c'mon, it's a little funny." Lisa wiped a tear from her eye then Sally pats me on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Anna. Half of us knows what it's like to fall in love so you're right, it isn't funny."

"Does that mean you guys will take it easy on her when you see her?" I really hope they agree with me.

There was a moment of silence as all my friends shared looks with each other. Amanda became the first to speak.

"I mean, I guess I can try not to hurt her...too much..."

"Won't the Entity suspect something's wrong though?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah and not only that, but I don't think the boys will take this seriously," Rin added with a sincerely concerned voice.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to them," I reassured her but Sally shook her head.

"Not alone you won't, I'm coming with you."

"And me too." Amanda smiles.

"What I really want to know is if you guys will severely hurt her or not," I brought the subject up again and Sally sighed.

"Look Anna, you know me, I'm weak when it comes to lovesick stories like this. So you can trust me on taking it easy on her."

"Me too." Rin winked and I smiled at her before tilting my head at Lisa. Lisa watched me then scratched her head before grumbling.

"Fine, I won't hurt your little girlfriend too much..."

"Thank you all so much!" I quickly grabbed all of them in a big group hug and most of them laughed then hugged back.

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