Bonus Chapter "Happy Camper"

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Your pov

My friends and I had a blast at our camp. We got drunk, smoked some joints and I got to make out with one of my hot girlfriends. It was the most fun we've had in decades.

After a long night, we all retired to our tents and fell fast asleep. A few hours then passed, I just wanted to go pee when I heard a bone chilling scream. A low melodic hum made an eerie tune, my body tensed then I cuddled back into my sleeping bag. No way in hell am I going outside.

I laid there for a while and heard the sound of slow footsteps. A shadow with long ears fell upon my tent and my breath hitched, the stranger is upon me.

I watched with fearful eyes as the large stranger's shadow start to loom then go away from my tent, I stayed still for another thirty minutes. After thirty minutes of silence, I decided to head out.

As soon as my head popped out of my tent, a dead body laid in front of my eyes and I gasped. After that, came the sound of running.

I quickly shuffled back into my tent and tried to stay as still as possible. But my plans were instantly foiled as my ankles were grabbed, and I cried for help as I got dragged out of the tent.

The stranger turned me around as I continued to squirm, then nearly sliced my ear off when they struck their axe on the ground next to my head. I could hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears and feel the cold sweat drip from my body when I stared up at them.

It was a beautiful woman with a worn out bunny mask, an old fashioned dress and blue jeans. Her large bare feet were bandaged and she had the strong smell of iron, with a hint of wet grass. Her clothes were covered in crimson, and I didn't want to know why. The dead bodies around the simmered out campfire explained everything.

Unknowingly, I felt tears falling down my cheeks as my body shook uncontrollably. I desperately begged the woman to not hurt me, but she just tilted her head like a child before grabbing a hatchet from the belt on her waist. I raised my hands in defense and waited for the pain.

But none of that came when I heard something being thrown and a low whine from something behind me. I looked and saw the body of a big, black wolf with a hatchet lodged in the middle of its skull.

The woman walked past me and to the wolf's body. I watched her then realized this was my time to escape. I got to my feet and ran past my dead friends, not noticing that their deaths were caused by claws and teeth marks of an animal. A pack of dead wolves were also nearby.


I don't know how far I ran, but far enough to be safe from that woman. In the distance, I see a restaurant or bar of some sort next to the road. I grinned widely, glad to have found civilization then rushed to the building.

At the same time a bunch of bedraggled, drunk bastards staggered out into the woods, then came towards my direction. Praying silently that they didn't notice me, I stumbled back and attempted to retreat back to the camp. I'm not going to deal with a bunch of drunk meat heads, especially since they're too many of them.

I heard one of them whistle out and laugh as they start to point at me. They tried to coax me to come to them, but I quickly ignored them then tried to run off. The response only added fuel to their amusement as they then start to chase me in the forest.

I trusted my legs to lead me to safety as I once did back when I ran for track in high school. Why couldn't they just go away?

A surprised yelp slipped from my lips as my arm was roughly grabbed then I fell back. The men circled me and stared with eyes glazed with lust. One knelt before me to touch my cheek but I slapped him. They just all laughed then I tried to run again, but they blocked my way. Their dirty hands then start to roam on my body and I tried to fight back. Yet it was pointless, there were too many of them.

One particular ruffian tried to attach his lips to mine, but then I heard a familiar sound, and the back of his head was struck by a hatchet. The man fell dead on me, I screamed and the men looked around. 

To my amazement, I saw the woman again as she hits one man in the back with her axe then another. A scrawny man pulled out a pistol and shot at the woman. She got hit in the chest, I thought it was the end for her.

But she never fails to surprise me.

She shouts in fury as she grabbed the shirt of the scrawny man and decapitated his head with one swing. Another guy shot her her back then she swung her axe in the middle of his head, kicked him down and hits him multiple times.

I sought shelter behind a tree as I watched dozens of men get slaughtered by a single barbaric woman.

She's strong. Crazy strong. After every hit, every bullet, her muscles constantly flexed as she wielded her axe and killed those idiots. I admire her fighting and her rage, it was unbelievable.

As she aggressively eliminates the last breathing soul, she collapsed.

I ran to kneel where her large body laid, countless bullets were embedded deep in her skin. I worriedly glanced around before trying to carry her with my small body, the hairs on my neck grew tense as she breathlessly huffed against my ear.

"Don't... Won't... Make it..." She manages to say, and I shook my head as I half dragged her body through the forest and away from the dead men.

"Shut up, I know how to treat those wounds. You're lucky I used to be in medical school," I spoke confidently to the woman, who murdered a group of men and possibly my friends too.

I heard her breathe then laugh softly against my ear, I ignored her and continued my way. Could my life get any stranger than this?


This is just a random Huntress x reader oneshot I made in my head.
Smut in next chapter~
Stay tuned!

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