*Lemon 2*

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Bang bang bang!

Pa pa pa!


Pew pew pew!

You made a baby!











Here's the real one.


Relief felt good. Especially when cold shower water hits the spot on a scorching hot summer day. You were currently bathing in your naked glory, humming and smiling to yourself.

What a day, huh?

Hours from keeping your house clean and finishing these chores sure is a workout. You sort of wished your spouse was home more often, it would've been way more fun.

Sadly, they weren't around anymore and your sexual life wasn't so sexual anymore. You were honestly disappointed, especially in your spouse since they barely gave a shit about you each day. Including the fact that they gave no more goodbye kisses or cuddles, your love life was brutally cold.

Just like this shower, you sighed. It would be good to stay there for awhile and the let the water disguise your tears.



"Don't kill me please! I have a family and a wife!" The stranger desperately begged the silent woman before them to stop. Yet, with a twisted smile, she mauled the poor human being until there was nothing but shreds of skin and bone.

After the job was done, the woman stood straight and cracked a few bones in her neck and shoulders. The satisfying pop bringing her relief as she wiped the bloody fluids from her axe and face.

She needed a shower and this person she killed seemed to have a key to their apartment. The last person living in that apartment will have the unluckiest night of their lives.


Back to you

You have long gone finished showering and had a towel wrapped around your body. You felt fresh and relieved that you had the chance to relax after a long day.

Just as you were about to gather your clothes, a scream was heard in the apartment next to you. Forgetting that you're naked under the towel, you were about to run over when there was a sudden power outage.

Your whole apartment was a complete blackout.

Nevertheless, you took a deep breath, grabbed your phone and slowly exited your apartment to check on your neighbor. You kept one hand on your towel and one holding your phone, then you knocked on their door.

It opened and...


A big fat To Be Continued slapped you across the face to calm your horney self. I love cliffhangers, do you?

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