Ch.5 (Your pov)

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I know for a fact that she never misses when it comes to her hatchets, this is the first.

My body became paralyzed as I see her ominous figure walk towards me, the same smile still on her face. I eventually awaken from my paralysis and grabbed the hatchet next to my head then raised it defensively, separating her just a feet across from me.

"Honey cakes~" she knelt down to my level and I shuffled further back onto the tree. "I won't hurt you."

"Y-You're lying." I found myself shaking uncontrollably, I'm just scared I guess. I really hate the pain of dying.

She touched my calf and I immediately pulled back.

"Don't fucking touch me," I hissed at her.

"Sweetie pie, I really do promise I won't hurt. In fact, I need you to help me with something~" her smile turned from smug to seductive in a way. But I refuse to give in to this demon.

"I'm not helping you with shit. You kill me and my friends everyday, can't you just give it a rest?"

"Hmm, you're right." She stood up again then clutched her axe. "Maybe I should just go back to killing you since you won't help me."

"Wait no please!" I tried to block the blow with the hatchet over my head, but I just see her grin to her amusement.


"Umm..." I gulped, "well, whatever it is you need help with, I'll totally consider it now!"

"Really?" She lowered her axe and beamed. I'm so screwed.

"Y-Yes, as long as you don't kill or sacrifice me."

"Give me my hatchet first."

I handed it to her but as I did, she pulled me close with it. I looked up at her as she stared down at me before lifting me up. My legs wrapped around her torso and her strong hands squeezed my thighs gently.

"Let me take a good look at you," she spoke softly bringing herself close to my face.

"Why are you so weird?" I whispered and she continued to smile up at me.

"Because you make my heart pound, I love you y/n."

I didn't say anything and kept my mouth shut, she chuckled at my reaction then kissed me. The weirdest part is that I didn't fight back, I actually liked it. She cupped my other cheek with her big hand and we broke the kiss. Then she slammed her head against mine and I lost conscious.

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