Ch.8 (Your pov)

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I tossed and turned from the voice next to me, thinking it's Anna.

"Y/n, wake up..."

Listening to the voice again, I realize that it's not Anna. No, the voice sounds deeper and more sinister. It calls my name again.


My eyes snapped open and I sat up. All around me there's darkness and I wore my clothes, I desperately searched the dark room for Anna but found no one. The voice came from all directions, I stood up unafraid.

"Who are you?"

"I am what you and the others call, the Entity..."

"What do you want? Where's Anna?" I need to know that she's safe.

"She's alive and well, sleeping with you by her side..."

Suddenly the room turned white then I was back in Anna's bedroom. I looked towards the bed to see me and Anna, sleeping peacefully in each other's arms.


"What is the meaning of this? Am I dreaming?"

"Yes, you are..." the Entity paused a bit before continuing, "I was afraid Freddy might get to you before I did, but it seems like you are not his target tonight."

"Why am I here?" I asked it and a long silence followed after.

"Did you not hear my question?"

"I heard it loud and clear, Miss y/n."

"Then why don't you answer me?"

"You've got quite a fire in you." The room filled with dark laughter.

"You've already seem to have forgotten who you're talking to..."

I stayed silent.

"Hmm?" The Entity hummed as if reading my thoughts like an open book.

"Have you finally learned your place in all of this?"

"Are you mad because I fell in love with one of your killers and we had sex?"

It stayed silent for a while before answering.

"I was..."


"But...I saw the light in it..."

"I don't... understand."

"I hate light."

I stiffened as the air suddenly grew tense and darker, the Entity does have its effect on things. Dark and evil things.

"I'm going to use you."

"For what?"

"You see, the Huntress isn't the only killer in my game of Dead by Daylight. There are others I have to feed too... and thinking about the whole sexual actions you two have perfectly displayed, I thought that maybe you can become my personal vessel."

"A vessel for what?" I didn't like the sound of this whole using me thing.

There was silence again then an irritated response.

"How dense are you? You're going to be every killer's sex toy."

"What?! Are you fucking me?!"

"Correction! Every lovable killer of my game will be fucking you."

"That's bullshit! The girls don't even have dicks like Anna!"

"I'll handle that. You'll will become my distributor for the next generation of killers."

"Hell no!"

Then an invisible force chokex my neck, like Darth Vader with the force in Star Wars. Then weird spidery legs appeared at my sides, ready to rip me apart I bet.


"I seemed to have forgotten to tell you that you don't have a choice. It's punishment for going behind my back and fucking with a killer. I expect you to welcome this gift with arms open wide, princess."

I began to tear up and my vision starts to create dark swirls.

"And one more thing, if you still don't agree to this plan then the Huntress will die."

"N-No," I wheezed and coughed, tears start to fall from my eyes. "You c-can't do that! You can't!"

"I can because I created this realm and this realm is mine. There are millions of other people who kill as much as the Huntress can, what's the difference if I replace her?"

"I won't let you do that!"

"Then remember our deal, or you'll die along with her."

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