"Happy Camper" part 2

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"Band-Aids... Band-Aids..." The h/c girl mumbled, rummaging through the camp of the dead. Meanwhile, the female she rescued laid her head on a log, breathing slowly and probably bleeding to death.

Where the fuck are the Band-Aids? Y/n bit her lip and continued to search. She gives a worried glance to the large female and sighed.

"I'm going to strip you of your clothes so I can take care of your wounds, are you ok with that?" Y/n asked as she knelt before the woman. The woman weakly nodded.

Y/n hurriedly unwrapped the dress thing (?) from her torso then took off her shirt. The woman's upper body was exposed except for her breasts, which were held back by a black strapless bra. Y/n gulped and felt the heat rush to her face as she stared at the woman's abs and muscles that could be as big as a man's.

Slightly slapping herself to wake herself up, she proceeded with the procedure and grabbed a tweezer she found to get rid of the first bullet.


Morning came and y/n didn't exactly remember sleeping. Something sturdy rested on her hip and squeezed her middle tight. She opened her eyes and they widened when she looked back at the owner of the arm.

The woman was without her mask and she was even more stunning without it. Her beautiful feature made y/n wonder why she had to hide all of it behind an old mask. Obviously, the mask had some sentimental value to the woman but y/n didn't know that.

Y/n slowly crawled away from the bunny woman and once she was free, she sat up and stretched. She looked at the woman once more and smiled at her attempts of wrapping the bullet wounds up with torn cloth. The bullets were already removed but y/n was just concerned about the blood loss.

Now what can she do to make breakfast? Y/n thought for a moment, she couldn't hunt but she could cook. It was apparent by the woman's appearance that she was a hunter, however y/n would only dare to wake her up now. She might not be a morning person.

Y/n sighed as she got her legs to use and began scavenging for food. There was a big tub of fried chicken from last night, but there was nothing left down to the last bone. What y/n found was completely useless to both of their nourishment and it wasn't long before her stomach gave off grumbles of complaint. Y/n then got impatient then just walked further into the woods.

The poor girl was willing to look for anything, berries, defenseless animals, maybe even a dead bird. She did find a couple of berries and picked some, yet she seemed apprehensive to most she picked. As she made her way back to the camp, a snow white rabbit hopped along her trail.

Y/n thought evil thoughts at frying the rabbit or making some rabbit stew, luckily she thought against it and just ignored it.

The woman has just awoken from her peaceful rest when she sees y/n carrying a handful of black berries. Y/n couldn't fathom the cuteness the woman displayed as she tilted her head up at y/n and her berries. Y/n smiled and bent over, offering a berry to the woman.

"I couldn't find any decent food around the camp, so I just went scavenging for food and found these." Y/n blushed as she looked down at the woman and her naked face, very different from her mask.

The woman frowned at what laid in y/n's hands and slapped it away. Y/n was shocked as the berries came flying out of her hands. The woman then grabbed her hands and brought y/n upon her lap, inching her face closer. Y/n just closed her eyes and waited for what was to come.


Stay tuned~
Another smut in next chapter

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