Chapter 1

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As I walk into the precinct, my captain walks out of his office with a sigh "Loki, you remember the queens male prostitute rapes?"

"You mean the case we closed, last week?" I ask and he sighs "What's wrong with it? I filed my paperwork."

"Well, we got another victim." I stare in disbelief and he sighs "Rominoff is on her way to the hospital."

As I start to grab my things, I reply "I'll meet her there." but he stops me and I give him a questioning look.

"No, we need to talk about your new partner." He states and I groan "You need a partner, detective. His transfer has already gone through. He'll be here on Monday."

"Great!" I grovel, tossing my phone down on my desk "Just what I need! Another witless oaf, who's going to get me shot!"

"You'll get over it." Steve insists, before explaining "Barton is at the crime scene. Tony is talking to the suspect, on Queer-Causal-Quickie. Sounds like we're going under cover."

I frown as I straighten my tie "Who's going UC?"


"This is humiliating!" I hiss as I try to pull down the crop top "These jeans are so tight, you can see my dick!"

"That's the point." Tony smirks as he takes a photo of me. I dress in a dark green crop top and black ripped skinny jeans, with black ankle boots. Mystery hair is curly and I wear eyeliner.

With a groan, I turn to Rogers and hiss "Why do I have to do this?"

"Because you're the most flamboyant." he states, before pointing out "And I've seen you flirt with a man. It's almost pornographic."

"You've got a point." I sigh, before turning to the attached room and walking in, closing the door behind me.

Over and hour goes by as I sit on the edge of the bed, tapping my foot on the floor, before I sigh and walk back into the room my unit sits in "I don't think he's going to show."

"Just go back and wait. If he's not here in an hour, we'll stake it out." Barton smirks, knowing that I'm nervous.

"It smells like pussy and pot in there!" I screech and they look at me in amusement "I'm done! I'm tapping out! You do it, Barton!"

"He's seen your face!" Steve declares and I grovel, before walking back to the room and pacing back and forward.

Fifteen minutes later, there's a knock on the door and I take in a deep breath, before opening it. A blonde man, with a beard and blue eyes stands on the other side. He's quite musclar, and around my height "Are you Dallas?" He speaks with an Australian accent.

I allow him in and speak subductively "Yes, it's because I'm Texas sized." I loop my fingers are my belt loops to pull them down a little "But I'm guessing you knew that."

"You take payment upfront." he sighs, holding out a few bills. After I take them, he smiles at me.

When I press him against the wall, his eyes wonder over me as I roll my hips on him and press my lips to his "You got me for the night, daddy." I pant, breathlessly.

He pushes me into the wall and I start panic, as he sighs "No, I got you for the rest of your life."

When I feel the cold metal on my wrists, I sigh in relief as Steve barges into the room and the cop behind me pulls his gun "Detective, Odinson! Precinct nineteen!"

"Captain Rogers, SVU!" They both put down their guns and I turn around "If you be so kind, uncuff my detective."

Odinson uncuffs me and I glare at him, before catching the hoodie Rominoff tosses at me and putting it on and pulling up my hair "Did you really have to cuff me that tight?"

"Do you really have to used tounge?" Odinson smirks and I wipes my mouth.

Steve gives an amused look, before pointing to Odinson "Loki, this is Thor. Thor, this is Loki Laufeyson." he looks to me "Thor is your new partner."

My mouth drops open and I demand "You're joking." he shakes his head with a smirk and I hiss "You're joking!"


"Good morning." Thor smirks as he sits in front of my desk "I brought you donuts and coffee, if you want them."

"I only eat one kind of donuts, and I doubt you got them, so I don't want them." I sigh, not even looking away from my computer.

"Fine, then I'll eat your blueberry donuts later." he shrugs and I glare at him, causing him to declare "Yeah, so what? I only eat blueberry donuts!"

"How did you know?" I ask, narrowing my gaze at him and causing him to give a confused look "Just, give me the donuts." After he slides the donuts over, I continue with my work, before taking the coffee and taking a glimpse at the label "What, are you stalking me of something?"

He frowns and I place the coffee down, before pointing to it and explaining "That's from a twenty-four hour donut shop in the queens. I life in the flat above it."

He smiles at that, before nodding "I live a couple of blocks away from it. Best place around to get a donut."

"I get them for free." I state, before returning to work, when Steve walks out of his office with a smirk "What we got Cap?"

"Double good news and single bad news." Cap smirks, before licking his lips "Bad news, we've got another victim. Good news, Tony got the new username of the unsub."

I nod to that, but Thor frowns "Then what's the other good news?"

"It's for you." Cap scoffs "You're not the unsub's type."

With a groan, I throw my head back and shake my head, before I straighten up and find a pair of bum shorts and the same crop top "I'll go shave my legs."

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