Chapter 9

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After a very heated time in the backseat of my car, we walk into my flat, and he throws me over his shoulder "Put me down!" I screech and he drops me down on the bed, before holding himself over me.

"Thor, stop! Thor, I have a cramp!" he mocks and I groan "Ouch, Thor, my thigh! My thigh is cramping!"

"I'm sorry!" I cry out and he chuckles. When he lays on top of me, I sigh "The captain told me about your transfer request."

"He denied it." Thor sighs, before looking at me with a knowing look "But he did give me a few days to go see my father."

"Going back to Australia. It's going to be good for you." I state and he nods "I'll take you to the airport in the morning, but tonight..." I slide my hands into his back pockets and his him a little squeeze "Let's make sure you don't forget about little old me while you're one the other side of the earth."

He hums "What do you have in mind?" When I grip his penis, he sighs "Everything below the belt is asleep. How about pizza and a movie?"

I give him a short kiss "Deal, but you walk across the street and get the pizza. I'll be here, starting the movie and making some popcorn."


The next morning, I park outside the airport and look to Thor "I'll pick you up at eight on Thursday."

"I'll call you when I land, and when I'm in layover." he states, before continuing "And when I wake up."

"And when I go to sleep." I smile, resting my hand on his cheek. We share a tender kiss, before I look at him longingly "Go, before you miss your plane."


"What are you doing here?" Rogers asks as he walks into the bullpen "I told you to take this case."

"I'm not working the case." I state, staring at one spot on Thor's keyboard "Figured I could at least take calls."

Rogers sits on the edge of Thor's desk "How are you?" I look up to him with a glazed expression "You seem a little out of it."

"I'm thinking about things." I state, before looking down at my desk and sigh "But I'm about the same as always."

"How was your date?" he asks and I give a sideways smile "That bad?" he asks and I give a knowing look.

"He woke up at two o'clock, violently ill from food poisoning." I state, and he laughs "It's funny to you, but he was in the bathroom for hours."

When Lieutenant Rominoff and Sargent Barton walk in, they smile "Pretty boy! Welcome back!" Barton jokes.

"Good to be back." I state, propping my feet up on the desk "What other cases do we have open? Flashers? Rapists? Pimps? Lost old person?"

Rogers frowns "Actually, there's a little boy in Banner's office. He's not speaking to us."

"What's wrong with him?" I ask and they look in between themselves "Is he lost, or something?"

"He showed up at the front door of a church." Natasha states, before explaining "He was naked, and he had brusies all over his body. A newby has been watching him."

I spear a look over my shoulder to find a box of donuts "Are those fresh?" I ask and Rogers nods "Not anymore."

After placing the box on my desk, I pick up my backpack, and pull out my spare clothes, until I get to the bottom, and pull out a teddy bear "This was Fenris's bear." I state, before explaining "He loved dogs, but my dad got him this bear, before he knew that."

After my belongings are put away, I grab the donuts, and the bear, before walking over to the fridge and grabbing a grape juice box.

"Watch and learn." I smirk, before knocking on the door and waiting for the little boy to open it.

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