Chapter 16

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When Thor and Modi get to my flat, we leave Modi with Laufey, and start back towards his car "Where's your car?" he asks.

"I left it at group." I state, before explaining "I went to the bar across the street, and got drunk."

"Smart of you to leave your car." He admits and I nod, not wanting to tell him "Am I missing something?"

As we climb into his car, I sigh "I had sex, with more than one person." I tell him and his face goes drained.

"So, that's it?" he asks and I give a short nod "We're done?" I look out the window as he starts the car.

We're silent the whole way to work. When we walk in, Tony chuckles "Someone is hungover. Loki, you okay? You look pretty rough."

"I need an aspirin, and coffee, and..." I look over to find a box of donuts "A glazed donut sounds pretty damn good."

"Don't forget an STD test." Thor grovels and I glare at him and declares "Apparently, our dear trickster was in an orgy last night."

"What?" Steve asks and I shrug "I thought you had a boyfriend."

"I did too." Thor states, typing something on his computer "Guess not."

I toss my bag down and sigh "Excuse me." when I walk out of the bullpen, I hear a commotion behind me.

As I duck into the quiet room, I find a female officer reading a book on a cot. After perching myself on another cot, I rest my head in my hands and rock myself.

Thor comes barging in after me and looks to the woman "Give us a minute." she closes her book and walks out.

When she gone, Thor spits in anger "So what, you're just going to gloat about it?"

"First, lower your volume, because my head is pounding." I insist, before explaining "I'm not gloating. You told them I was involved in an orgy."

"It's your own fault! You're the one that got fucked by a couple of dudes!" he screams and I raise an eyebrow to him.

I stand and walk towards him, raising my voice "It wasn't just two guys! Try twelve!" he groans and I scoff "Young guys! Guys with big libidos! Few of them came back for second!"

"Loki, stop!" He hisses as I step closer to him "I don't want to know!"

"Oh really?" I ask, before glaring "You suggested I got an STD! I could say the same, looking at your baby momma!"

"She was not a prostitute when we met!" he declares, before reminding "She was an immigrant, I could speak her language!"

"So you decide to plow her?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow to me "She gives birth to a beautiful baby boy, and pimps him out to pedophiles! Great dad you are!" I scream in rage.

"That was not my fault!" he insists, before looking me over "How dare you suggest that that's my fault!"

"A real father would feel like a piece of shit, knowing there child went through that!" I scream, before pushing him "And you're just brush it under the rug?"

"It's better than pining over it, like you do with Fenris!" he roars.

I take in a shaky breath, before turning my back to him as the tears start to fall. After a second, he steps forward and tries to grip my shoulder softly "Loki, I'm sor-"

"Get off of me!" I order and he backs up a couple feet "You know how hard it is, not to take my gun to my temple?" he gives me a sad look, before I ask "You know how many times I have?"

His face goes stern and he sighs "Lok-"

"I don't want to see you outside of work!" I declare, before shaking my head "And I never want to see Modi!"

"I'll keep it professional." he states, before nodding "And I won't comment on the guys that you..."

I take deep breaths, before sitting on the edge of the cot and crying out "I'm sorry, Thor! I'm so sorry!"

He sits next to me and asks "Why are you sorry?"

"I got drunk." I shrug and wipe the tears from my eyes "I was way too drunk to think clearly. I wouldn't have done it if I wasn't shitfaced."

He pulls me to him and I lean my head on his shoulder "Is there any chance that you want you to be together?"

"Yeah." I whine, before rubbing my eyes on his jacket and sniffling "But even if you say you'll forgive me, that wound will never heal correctly. I still cheated on you. I'll always be a cheat to you."

"You're not a cheat." he speaks softly and I shake my head "Cheating is having sex with someone else, and lying about it." I give him an odd look and he chuckles softly "You're just a slutty drunk."

I groan and hide my face, before he continues "Which is a blessing and a curse." he states, before biting his lip "Which means, on date night, you're only allowed to have one drink, with a solid meal."

"Thor, that can't happen." I state, before shocking my head "We're partners. We can't do that."

"Fine, what about we keep eating lunch together, and on Friday nights, we go out to eat for dinner?" he asks and I sigh "I promise, it will remain professional. And I'll make sure you don't drink to much."

"Strictly professional?" I ask and he nods, rubbing my upper arm, softly "Fine, next Friday we'll go out."

"This Friday." he insists.

"Today is Friday." I tell him, narrowing my gaze at him.

"Indeed." he smiles, before declaring "If I were you, I'd still get tested in a few days. If I happen to drink after you, I don't want AIDS."

"That would take three months to show up." I tell him and he frowns "Raincoats for everyone."

"About that..." he looks down and asks "Did any of them wear a condom?"

I scrunch my nose as I look at him "You don't want to know." he scrunches his nose in disgust and I sigh "Drunk me doesn't know the meaning of safe sex."

"I caught that." he states, before joking "Hopefully I don't catch anything from you."

I scoff and put my sunglasses on "Let's get back to work, before we both catch pink slips from the captain."

When we walk out of the quiet room, I find a package of antibiotics on my desk. Banner leans against the edge of my desk "For anything you might have picked up, DILF."

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