Chapter 18

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Laufey knocks on the door at eleven thirty and I walk over to open it. When he walks in, he places Modi on the couch, as he is asleep.

"He passed out on the ride home." Laufey states as I offer him a slice of pizza, that Thor went to get earlier.

He takes a slice and Thor offers him a beer "So, how are you two?" he asks as he sits on a barstool.

"We're good." Thor nods, before pointing my way and shrugging "We talked about it, and we're good."

Laufey nods and sighs "Well, any night you need me to watch him, I good. I'm trying to teach him English."

Thor thinks for a minute, before explaining "Well, my sister will be here Tuesday, to meet Modi and help me move on next Saturday."

"You're moving?" Laufey asks and Thor nods "Where are you moving?"

"Staten Island." Thor states, before explaining "Hela is actually going to going to move in with me, but you can still help him with English. You could stay over on days that the it's too late to take the ferry."

"How?" I ask and he looks to me "It's it only three bedroom, two bath, right?"

"There's a basement, with a half bath." he states and I nod "Hela would sort of have her own apartment."

"That house is going to be full." I state, running my thumb over his palm "You, and Modi, and Hela, and dad, and..." I shrug.

"There's a fireplace." Thor tells me and I raise an eyebrow to him "If you do decide to come with us, Fenris will have a place."

I give a short nod and open the box of pizza to start a new conversation "Dad, will you hand me the ranch?"

He hands it over and I load it up, before sitting it on my plate "Dad?" I finally ask and he looks to me "If things do get serious, and Modi started calling me..." I look to Thor apologetically.

"Dad?" Thor asks and I give a sideways smile "He can call you dad, as long as I am also his dad."

I nod, before looking to Laufey "Would you except him, as one of your grandchildren? Like really except him?"

"Loki?" Laufey scoffs, before nodding towards the kid "I'm teaching him English. Why would I do that if I didn't care for him?"

Thor pulls me to him and rests his head on my shoulder "If he turns grandpa, he's moving in." Thor smirks.

"And I?" I ask as he rocks us "What am I?"

"Right now, you're my boyfriend." Thor states and I give a weak smile "One day, that will change. For better, or for worse."


The next morning, as Thor makes a proper English breakfast and I sit on the barstool, Modi sits up on the couch and rubs his eyes tiredly. His hair is insane.

"Good morning, darling." I smile as he crawls up onto the barstool next to me "How did you sleep?"

"Good." he yawns, before looking at my coffee "Can I have a juice?"

Thor turns to the fridge and hands him an orange juice "Here you go." When Thor returns to the pancakes, Modi leans into my side and rubs his eyes.

"Are you sleepy?" I ask and he nods, tiredly "Yes, well, you did get home late. Do you need anything?"

Modi frowns as I run my fingers through his hair "Where's Professor Koala?" he asks and I reach over the bar to give him his bear.

"Hey you go, darling." he takes it and bundles up in my jacket. After Thor is done, he walks around the bar and puts a plate and kisses Modi atop the head.

When he puts a plate in front of me, he gives me a very tender kiss, before walking back around to get his plate.

Modi gives a very confused look, before asking "Are you my dad's special friend?" I give him a puzzled look, before looking between us "You know, one of the guys that show at nighttime and wrestle with mom."

My lips open in shock and Thor chockes on a mushroom "No darling." I shake my head and try to fix his hair "Me and your father are really really good friends. So much so, that we sleep in the same bed, and kiss. Your father and I date."

"Date?" he asks.

"When two adults want to be more than friends, they date." I nod and he still doesn't get it "Most of the time, the dating doesn't go well, and the two people stop dating. But sometimes..." he looks up to me with hope "Sometimes, the two fall in love, and decide to get married, and live together for the rest of their lives."

He looks at us with an excited look "So you could be my dad, too?" he asks and I smile down at him, before he smiles and starts to eat his breakfast.

Thor and I share a look, before continuing with our breakfast.

After breakfast, I look to Thor "I'll give Modi a bath, if you do the dishes." he frowned as me and I shrug "Or you can help me chase a naked five year old around the flat."

"Or I'll wash, you dry, and we bathe him together." he states and I shrug, before turning on looney toons and sitting Modi down on the couch.

After we do the dishes, I start to draw a bath as he brings Modi into the bathroom and we help him out of his clothes. Once he's in the bath, he splashes the water and I leave Thor to check my closet.

When I return with a rubber ducky and a few more toys, his face lights up and I give them to him "Do you know what we're doing today?" I ask as I lather in the soap in his hair.

When he shakes his head, Thor smiles "We're going to an amusement park!"

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