Chapter 14

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When we walk into the crime scene, I go straight for the window seat and sit down "What are you doing?" Thor asks and I shush him.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, before opening them and imagining a scene from years ago.

Fenris lays in bed, clicking through the telle, when a little boy walks in. He is very slim, as he can't digest food any longer "I am Groot." he smiles "I'm looking for someone to play with."

"I'm Fenris." Fin smiles, before looking to me "Dad, will you get me an ice cream? Do you want one Groot?"

Groot shakes his head, before I walk out of the room. And past the room next door to find Groot on the nametag.

"Groot was here, with Fenris." I state and Thor looks to me "Fenris was here, and Groot was next door."

I stand and walk next door to find it's a quiet room. A place where nurses go to relax after a bad day. We have one at the precinct.

Something clicks in my head and I walk over to the nurses station to ask "When was the quiet room put up?"

"Friday before last." One nurse tells me.

"The first victim. What was his illness and what room was he in?" I ask, perching myself on edge of the desk.

"505. He had a congenital heart defect." the nurse says and it hits me like a ton of bricks.

"Who was in room 505 three and a half years ago?" I ask and the nurse turns to the computer.

"Got it." she gives a sad smile "A little boy. He, uhh, didn't have a name. The father knew he wouldn't live long, but he called him Johnny, like Jon Doe."

"What's was his illness? Who was the father?" I ask and she types some more.

"He had achondroplasia." she states, before explaining "When two people with dwarfism produce a baby, it could lead to achondroplasia. His father actually works here, in this unit. Rocket-"

"Oh my." I sigh, before straightening up and looking to Thor "It's Rocket. It has to be Rocket."

"How do you know?" he asks as I start back to the car.

"Johnny, Fenris, and Groot were friends when they were here together!" I explain, before continuing "One day, Johnny stopped coming to playtime, and Gamora told me that he was dead. Rocket, the little person, took months off, and by the time he came, his sons friends were gone as well! The stresser must have been the fact that Gomora and I stayed close, because we went to group together! And now the quiet room is were Groots room was!"

He stops me as we enter the elevator "So you're a victim in this case."

"Yes, he killed Fenris first, because Fin got to go home! Then Groot, because Gamora got to say goodbye!" I insist.

"We gotta tell the Captain."


"Makes perfect sense." Steve states, before declaring "But, without forensic evidence, how do we bust him?"

"Crack him." I demand, before announcing "Hit him where it hurts, salt the wounds, brand his psyche. Just bag the bastard."

"You want to sit in on the interrogation?" Barton asks and I shake my head "Why not? You're very good at it."

"I can't be in that room. Not today." I state, before shaking my head "Trust me, I do not have the strength to hold my rage. You remember the rage monster that lurks in my mind."

"That guy is fucking awesome." Tony states, before looking to Thor "Have you heard that story?"

"Tony." I glare and he raises his hands in surrender.

"Just saying, that guy was badass." Tony states and I raise an eyebrow to him "He was, right guys?"

"How many people do you think I killed?" I ask and Thor gives me a horrified look "Seriously, Stark? How many people?"

He shrugs, before replying "Two hundred seventeen. Like your file says."

I shake my head "Not even close." his face goes flat and I try to remember the exact number "It was actually one thousand, seven hundred, fifty-nine. Sixty if you count the little kid I put out of his misery when his legs were three blocks away from him." I try to do the math "That's five people a day, in the year I was out of the country. By the time I got back, Banner tried to diagnose me as bipolar. So tell me, do you really want to see the rage?"

"I mean..." Tony turns towards his computer and selects a file, before playing it "This was pretty awesome."

It seven soldiers standing guard. Four daggers fly from off camera and four guards drop as I crack one man's neck and dive for the others two. I use one as a shield as I crack the others neck with my thighs. When I press my back to the wall, I pull the pin of a grenade and toss it down the hall they were guarding, as bullets rip through the back wall.

"That's when I stopped using partners." I state and they look to me "I got shot, killing that last guard. My partner was supposed to blow the hub, but he died before he could, so I had to do it."

"You got shot?" Thor asks and I nod "Where?"

"In the thigh." I state, before grabbing the entrance and exit wound through my pants "After that, I hoofed it twenty klicks, through the dessert, to get to an underground bunker, where I was to wait an hour for extraction. I took honey, boiled it, and poured it on the wound to stop from leaving a trace, so I could book it another ten klicks to get to the extraction site."

"So that's what you did after Fernis died." Thor says to himself.

"Well, there was a lot more torturing people." I state and he gives a shocked look "In Saudi Arabia, I'm the monster parents tell their children about at night."

We stand in silence for a moment, before I sigh "I think I'm going to peel out early. I gotta drop off Thor and Modi, and group starts at seven."

"You're going to group?" Steve asks and I nod "You haven't gone in more than a year."

"Well, with this case and all..." I look to the ground and shrug "Why not go back?"

Steve nods, before gripping my shoulder "Take off whenever you want."

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