Chapter 2

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As I stand in front of the screen that shows the room next door, Thor chuckles "You're practically naked."

"I'm supposed to be a prostitute." I sigh as I return to the screen "I know exactly what these douchebags like."

We stand there for a long moment, until he scoffs "Is that a tattoo?" he asks and I nod "What is it?"

"It's nothing." I lie, before moving the crop top to cover my chest. Truth be told, it's my son's name. Fenris.

After another moment, Thor sighs "Listen, after work, I know this great Thai food place, about a block away from both of our apartments."

When he shrugs, I sigh "Depends on how this goes. If I get a dick up the arse..." I smirk and it takes him a second to realize it's a joke.

There's a knock on the door next door and I sigh "Working boy was to work." With that I shut the ajoining door and open the front door to she a man with short blonde hair.

"Are you Rhodey?" He asks as I allow him in.

"Yes sir, I am." I smirk, stepping closer to him as he sits on the bed in front of me "I like to ride it."

As he places a few bucks in my back pocket, he smirks up at me and declares "You won't be riding anything today."

When he throws me on the bed, and pulls off my crop top, he grips my hands and stares down at me with murderous eyes. A whimper escapes my lips, before Thor, Barton, Natasha, and Steve ram in and pull him off of me. As I massage my wrists, they read him his rights and handcuff him.

"Are you okay?" Thor asks as I stand up to find the unsub is already gone. I gasp for air as I pull on a pair of sweats "Hey, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I lie as I search for my shirt. After I pull on the crop top, I clear my throat "After the paperwork, let's go to that Thai food place."


"Cap?" I ask, standing in the doorway of his office "Can I speak to you?" He nods and I step forward "As you know, it'll be three years, the day after tomorrow, that Fenris-" I bite my tounge and go silent.

"And, for the three days of, before, and after, as vacation days." Cap states, before looking up from his paperwork "I schedule for it months ago. I can't have a detective with an unclear head, on the job."

"Thanks." I give a weak smile, before walking out of his office to find Thor sits on the edge of his desk "Ready to go?"

"What was that about?" he asks and I shake my head as we start towards his car "Is everything alright?"

"I'm taking a few personal days." I sigh as we stand in the elevator "I'll have to see Banner when I get back."

"I knew that you aren't alright." he sighs and I scoff.

"It's not about the case." I state and he gives a questioning look "For the next three days, I'll be cooped up in my flat, with my son."

"You have a son?" he asks and I give a short nod "So, you have a wife, or girlfriend?" he asks as the elevator opens.

"No." I reply as we walk out. After we climb into his car, I explain "Me and a friend were co-parents. She's a lesbian. I'm very much not into women."

"You're gay?" He asks and I give a short nod "I should have guessed that. You did call me daddy last week."

"I was playing a gigolo." I declare, a smile playing at my lips "That daddy shit is our unsub's kink."

He that's in a doubting breath "I don't know, that kiss was very heated, and you did grind on me."

"What happens UC stays UC!" I insist and he smirks at me "So what about you, do you have a girlfriend, a wife?"

"No." he sighs, before taking a left "I used to, but it didn't end well. She didn't like the hours." he shakes his head "Always the deal breaker."

"Yeah, I don't have to deal with that." I sigh, before explaining "My dad watched Fenris when I was at work."

"What about his mom?" he asks, as he stops at a light.

With a sigh, I explain "We didn't know, but she had a heart condition. She died during childbirth."

"I'm sorry." he gives an apologetic look, and I shrug.


After a good hour, we walk out of the Thai food place and I start walking towards my place, only he follows me "Dressed like that, in this neighborhood. Bad idea." he smirks.

"I can protect myself." I remark, before shrugging "But I don't mind the company." I smile and he gives a pleased look.

As we reach the entrance to my apartment, I sigh "This is me." He nods as I dig into my bag to find my keys.

"This is you." he smirks, before I open the door "See you on Friday?" I give a weak nod, knocking hair in my face.

When I reach to move it away, he beats me to it and tucks it behind my ear, before running his thumb over my cheek. With a scoff, he smiles innocently "Goodbye, partner."

"Bye." I smile, before walking up the stairs and and unlocking my door. Once I'm inside, I lock the door and turn on the lights.

On the walk over to the mantle, I grab a bottle of jack and sigh "Happy birthday, Fenris." with a sad smile, I readjust his favorite stuffed animal, mister spot the blue dog, next to his ern.

After I deam it okay, I back away and take a long swig, before putting on the cap and sitting it down, only to take his favorite blanket.

With a sniffle, I hold the blanket to my chest and close my eyes to try to remember his laugh. Instead, the only thing I can hear is the sound of the heart monitor when it flatlined. As a tear falls down my cheek, I fall into bed and hug the blanket to my chest. It still reaks of the hospital.

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