Chapter 12

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After a very long day at work, I look back at Modi as we pull into the parking garage "We're almost home, okay?" he gives a short nod, and I park the car.

Thor and Eliza both agreed that Modi would be best in my custody, while Thor was away. Eliza has signed her parental rights away, and she's facing trail for prostitution, endangering the welfare of a child, possessing and trading child pornography, possession of illegal narcotics, soliciting a minion, and domestic assault. Needless to say, Eliza is out of the picture.

When we walk into my flat, he looks around "It's not much, but it's what we have, for the time being."

He smiles up at me and I smile down at him "How about I make dinner? Are you going to keep me company?"

He nods and I help him onto a barstool, before taking off his shoes. After I take off my blazer, tie, shoes, and cufflinks, I roll up my sleeves and unbutton a few buttons.

When I walk over to the fridge, I frown "Tomorrow, we're going to get you some clothes that actually fit."

He nods as I pull out some cheese, butter and bread.


"Tilt your head back." he does, and I rinse the soap out of his hair. Once he's done, I smile "Are you ready to get out?" I ask and he nods.

I wrap him in a towel and walk him over to my closet. I pull out one of my shirts, a pair of clean little boy briefs, and a pair of pajama pants that I bought for Fenris, only he never got the chance to wear them.

I help him dress and look to him "Do you think you'd be okay to be alone for two minutes while I take a shower?" he nods and I grab a jacket and a pair of pajama pants "If you need me, I'm right in here, okay?"

"I'll be okay." he smiles.

When I get out of the shower, I walk out to find he sits on the couch "Do you want me to tell you a bedtime story?"

He gives a weak smile and I motion him towards the bed. He lays his head on my shoulder and close my eyes in remembrance. When I open my eyes, I find my eyes are locked with the mantle.

"There once were two people. A man and a woman who were the best of friends." I let out a shakey breath, before continuing "They wanted a child, so desperately, that they decide to have one together."

"Did they?" he asks.

"They had a little boy, with black hair and amazing green eyes. But the celebration was short-lived. The mummy didn't get the chance to hold the baby. The birth of the baby caused her heart to stop, as she loved the baby far too much."

"She died?" he asks and I give a sad nod.

"The baby boy had the same affect. His heart could not bare much stress, and he wasn't long for this earth." I brush my finger through his hair as my eyes threaten to rain "The boy made it two years, being a happy little boy, with his father. When he was three, he went to a place that tried to help him to get a new heart. When he was almost four, the father knew that he would soon loose the one thing he loved most in the world, and he brought the boy home. The day of his fourth birthday, the boy took a nap, and he never woke up." A tear slides down my face and I sniffle "The father has a heart problem. It hurts everytime he thinks of his son."

When I stop, I find Modi is asleep.


The next morning, I smile as Modi rubs his eyes "Do you want chocolate chips in your waffle?"

He nods and I turn my back as I mix the batter. After a moment, I hear him ask "Who's this?" I turn to find he hangs on the side of the mantle.

As the mantle starts to bend, I rush over and pull him off, falling backward on my arse "Don't touch that!" I demand and he gives a scared look "You could've hurt yourself!" I roar, hugging him to me as my heart races "I'll be damned if you get hurt on my watch!"

After a moment, I release him and he asks "Is that the boy from the story?" he asks and I give a short nod "What was his name?"

"Fenris." I state, moving the hair out of his face "He was the first person I ever loved." I state and he nods, before giving me a hug.

When I hug back, he sighs "I don't want you to be sad."

I smile at that, before standing up and sitting him on my side "How about you help me make breakfast?"

He nods and I pour some batter into the waffle iron "What's your favorite color?" he asks and I smile at him "Mine is blue."

"Mine is green." I tell him and he nods, innocently "What is your favorite animal? Mine is a snake."

He gives me a look of 'you're crazy', causing me to laugh, before he explains "I like kitty cats."

"Me too." I nod, before explaining "They're very calm. I once had a three legged cat." he gives a bewildered look and I explain "He got hit by a car, and I couldn't leave it, so my dad let me keep it, after we took him to the vet."

He frowns and I continue "He was a very lazy cat. He would lay down and sleep for the whole day. Then, he'd run around while I was trying to sleep."

"Cats are weird." he nods, before I open the waffle iron and flip out the waffle.


After a day out with Modi, I'm awaken at two o'clock in the morning by the captain "What's wrong?" I yawn as I try to slide out from Modi's sleeping form.

"We got a body." he sighs and I hum as I get a glass of water, not really understanding what he's talking about "At the hospital. Someone took a little boy off life-support."

The glass slips from my hand and shatters on the ground, waking Modi in the process.

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