Chapter 5

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At eight, I've only ruled out Gamora, and a doctor and a handful of nurses who were in surgery when the boy died, when my buzzer rings.

With a sigh, I walk out of my flat and down the stairs to find Thor at street level "What are you doing here?" I ask.

He holds up a pizza box and smiles weakly "I'm here to help." he points up to my flat "I can see you're working on the case. Let me in."

Silently, I let him in and we walk up the stairs and into my flat "Who else did you rule out?" I ask as I shut my door.

He walks over and takes down seven people "They have alibis for the time of death. They were at a hospital banquet." he takes down a few more "These three were out on the town, together." then another five "These also have solid alibis."

"Seven left." I state, before asking "Any highly suspicious prospects?"

"We haven't been able to role out any of these people. Four of them were working the night shift, those two were janitors, and Nebula was visiting Gamora. Who is up her, why?"

"She wouldn't do this." I insist you he raises an eyebrow to me "She wouldn't hurt a fly. Trust me."

"Fine. Let's try to crack this nut." he turns to my computer and sighs "As you can tell, we haven't received the footage from the hospital, just yet."

"Why are you helping me?" I ask and he scoffs as I look at him questionably "Seriously, the captain could take my badge if he knew I was going rambo."

"I want to help you catch this son of a bitch." he smiles, before glaring at the computer "Come look at this."

I move to sit right next to him and he points to at the computer "Time of death was exactly 2 A.M. and this nurse swiped his card at a gas station, three blocks away at the TOD."

I laugh, and shake him "You are a genius! Why didn't I think about checking credit card payments?"

Before I can process it, I kiss him and gasp, pulling away "I'm sorry. I got excited. I'm going to take his photo down."

I stand on my bed to pull down his photo. When I turn around, my foot gets caught and I trip, only to get caught by Thor.

He sits me down and I stare up at him as he stares down at me. My eyes travel down to his lips and I remember how soft they were, only moments ago. How I want to feel them again.

His thumbs brush over my cheeks and I gasp softly as one traces over my lips. He smiles weakly down at me and I kiss his thumb.

As he tilts my head up, he bends forward and places his lips to mine. The softness tangles with my lips and my hands travel for his hair as he grips my hips.

When my hands grasp his hair band, I pull on it, to make his hair fall and brush again my neck as his beard brushes my chin.

His hands grasp my jacket and I pull away to look him in the eyes. I bite my lip and nod softly, before he unzips my jacket and tosses it across the flat.

As I pull off his jacket, he licks his lips, before pulling off his shirt to expose a tone chest.

A whimper escapes my lips and he smirks, before leaning me back and whispering "You're so beautiful."

He travels to my neck and sucks at the base of it. I let out a pleasant moan as he bites down at my skin.

As I start to sweat, he pulls my legs up and slides my pants off, gently, before traveling back up to my mouth and kissing me very softly "You're so hot." he grunts.

"Says you." I pants, before unzipping his pants and helping him slip out of them. My eyes lock on his penis and he smirks.

He leans me back and leads tender kisses down my body, before laying my legs over his back and griping my thighs as his rough tongue circles my entrance. When I relax, he presses his tounge into me and I moan, gripping his hair with one hand, and the sheets below me with the other.

His tounge pleasures me endlessly, until he replaces it with two fingers and I gasp at the difference. When I arch my back, he smirks "That feels good?"

"Yes, Thor!" I gasp out and let's me arch out a high, before I moan out "Fuck me! Please, fuck me!"

He spits in his hand, before pumping himself and sitting himself at my entrance. He slides in easily and smirks at the look of ecstasy written on my face.

As he slides it and out of me, I moan out for him. While he pumps inside of me, my hands scratch at his back as his pace quickens.

"Harder!" I scream out as he slams inside of me and I gasp for air "Faster!"

As I spill on my chest, he slows his pace and spills into me.

When he collapses beside me, he pants heavily and I look to him. He chuckles, before shaking his head "That was... fantastic. You know that, right?"

I nod as I try to catch my breath, to no avail "Are you staying over tonight?" I ask, once I can breathe.

"If there will be more of that." he pants, nodding his head "That was hot. Very hot." he states and I nod "How long have it been for you?"

"Eight years." I gasp and he gives a surprised look "What about you? When was the last time you were with a guy?"

"College." he states and I nod, before laying back in bed and taking in deep breaths "Damn, it's hot."

"I can't catch my breath." I state and we look at each other with a small smirk, before laughing "We're fucked."

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