Chapter 20

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Tuesday, at five in the morning, we pull up to the airport and wait for Hela. When I look at the backseat, I find Modi is sleeping soundly.

Fifteen minutes later, Thor steps out of the car and hugs a woman with long black hair. When her bags are in the trunk, Thor tries to sit in the passenger seat and I stop him "I'm going to join Modi, will you drive?"

"You're going to let me drive this car?" he asks and I nod, tiredly "You've never let me drive before."

"Is that a yes, or...?" I ask and he nods. When I pull myself into the backseat, Hela sits in the passenger seat and I yawn "I'm telling you, I'm not usually like this. I'm just really fucking tired."

"Loki, take a nap." Thor smirks and I nod, before curling up in the backseat and resting my head on the window.

"Thor?" I ask, tiredly.

Thor chuckles as he turns out of the parking spot "Yes, love?"

"I need a coffee." I grumble and he scoffs "Can we go through a coffee shop or something? I feel like death."

"Okay, just give me a minute." he snickers, before looking to Hela "He's addicted to caffeine. He needs it to function in the morning."

When we park, Thor looks to Hela and she smiles "I'll take a caramel macchiato. What are you getting?"

"Carmel macchiato for you. Mocha Cappuccino for me. Black coffee with four shots of espresso for Mister Airhorn. And a juice for Modi." Thor states, before leaving the car.

When he's gone, I lean against the back of Hela's chair "So why are you making the move to New York?"

She turns around to look at me and I find she wears her dreads in a hairband "Well, I've missed five years of Modi's life, and I can't have kids, so that little boy is the only grandchild my parents will ever have."

"So you're moving for Modi?" I ask and she nods.

"It's not hard for a tattoo artist to get a job around here." she explains, before clearing her throat "Thor told me you have a tattoo?"

"Yeah, it's ahh-" I lift my shirt to show her my tat "Fenris is my son." she gives a short nod, before I sigh "So, what made you want to get dreads?"

"I actually only got them about two years ago." she states, before explaining "They're pretty low maintenance."

I nod, before explaining "I had them for a year." she gives a shocked look and I clarify "When Fin died, I went overseas, and, in my career, you need low maintenance. It was either buzz your head, or dread it."

"Did you dread it yourself?" she asks and I nod "I've been meaning to pick them, to get rid of the dead hair, and dread it again."

"I'll dread them if you want." I state and she nods, before Thor gets back into the car. As soon as he hands me my coffee, I gulp it down and Thor scoffs.

"Slow down, I won't take it away from you." Thor smiles and I flip him off "Ouch, so grouchy."

When I put my coffee down, I groan at the burst of energy, causing him to smile "You know I love you, right?"

"As I've been told." Thor smirks, before kissing me softly, and insisting "Buckle up. We gotta get shit done."


By the time we need to go to work, Modi is up and messing around with Hela in Thor's flat. His flat is much like mine, only he has a waterbed.

"That's impractical." I state as we sit in traffic "I mean, how the fuck do you hate sex on a waterbed?"

He gives an amused look, before looking to the road "You just have to make some waves."

When we get to work, I continue the conversation "What if you're halfway through sex, and it pops?"

"It won't pop." Thor insist and I raise an eyebrow to him, causing him to declare "It's not going to pop!"

"What are you two talking about?" Steve asks as he sits on the edge of Clint and Natasha's desks.

"He just found out I have a waterbed." Thor sighs, before looking to me "But I don't wear shoes or anything metal on the bed."

"Then what do you wear when you sleep?" I ask and he smirks "I mean when your son is there." I groan.

"Pajama pants, a tee shirt." Thor shrugs and I nod, before looking to my computer "It's actually pretty easy to do that other thing."

I glare up to him and look back to my computer as I brush my foot against his thigh. With a sigh, the captain frowns "Well, Rocket still hasn't confesses. We're letting him go."

"What?" I ask, looking up from my computer and he nods "We can't do that! He'll kill not kid!"

"He sticks to a schedule." Steve reminds, before explaining "We'll have a cop on him at all times."

I nod, before looking down to my desk "What the fuck is that?" Thor asks and I raise my head to find he looks past me.

"I figured Loki might want to have a blast from the past." Stark smirks, before I turn to find my training footage "It's just the highlights, though."

In a matter of seconds, we're hovering over the monitors to watch the feed. It's a torture film "Loki, where are you?" Thor asks.

"I'm the one being tortured." I state and he looks to me "It's a simulation. I had thirty hours to escape, or I was out."

"How'd you get out?" Natasha asks, looking my way, nervously.

"At hour twenty-four, the torture goes from waterboarding and electrocution, to rape." I state and the look to me in horror "These men were paid to make your life a living hell."

They turn back to screen as the door opens and a man walks in "This is hour four." I tell them as the man steps forward with two wet sponges attached to a car battery.

When the sponges are placed to my side and I cry out in agony "Just give me the code and this will be over!" the man hisses.

I chuckle, tiredly "Well, you are one kinky son of a bitch!" I hiss and he continues with his torture, to no avail.

The tape is cut, and it flips to a different time "This is hour fifteen."

The man steps back in with a pair of plyers. When I don't give him the safe word, he pulls out seven teeth, all of my fingernails, and all of my toenails.

"Oh, so your teeth are fake?" Thor asks and I nod "Charming."

I shrug "When he was pulling out my fingernail, I snatched his bracelet." he gives a confused look, before looking to the screen.

The tape is cut again and I sigh "Twenty-four." they look at me in worry, before I lick my lips "You might see my dick for a few seconds."

The man walks back in and pulls a chain that pulls me up by the wrists. When he pulls down my pants, I turn and wrap him in the pants, long enough to make him pass out from suffocation. After he's down, I unhook my hands, and saw the rope against a piece of metal. When I pull my pants out, I pull out his bracelet and the camera flips to the hallway view. All you see, is one of the guards going down, and him shooting the other two.

The tape flips and I see myself walking up to base as the camera rolls. Brie laughs as she sees all the sand in my dreads "We passed!"

"What time is it?" I ask, and I my breath hitches as I see her.

Before they can watch anymore, I pause the feed and walk out of the room.

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