Chapter 10

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"What's happening over there?" Thor asks as I sit on the edge of my desk "You seem a little tense."

"A mother beating her child. I have the right." I state, before asking "How long until your lay over plane takes off."

"An hour." he sighs, before explaining "After that, I should be landing in Brisbane in ten hours."

"Brisbane." I sigh, before looking around to make sure I'm alone "It's so far away. Hawaii is too."

"You know, I've been trying to imagine you in a swimming suit." He chuckles and I can't help but blush "For the life of me, I couldn't see it."

"Please, I'm a northerner. I don't surf, or swim." I insist, before sighing "I don't even know how to swim."

"Loki Laufeyson!" Thor gocks, before asking "You seriously don't know how to swim?" With my silence, he understands that I can't "I've gotta teach you."

"That's never going to happen!" I declare and I spot Rogers walking over to me.

There's a moment of silence, before he asks "Do you miss me?"

As Rogers leans next to me, I sigh "Thor, you should be talking on the plane. I'll speak to you later."

When I hang up, Rogers looks to me "It's eight. The kids asleep, and the mom is still off her ass." He nudges me "Go home. Get some sleep. Come back tomorrow."

I give an obedient nod, before grabbing my bag and walking out of the precinct.


When I get home, in the dark, I find myself completely alone. After stripping from my clothes, I stand in front of my closet, looking for something to sleep in.

Nothing looks comfortable, until I glance down at the floor and find Thor's sweater from yesterday, lays on the floor.

With a sigh, I pick it up and pull it on to find it is very big and the warmest thing I've ever put on.

As I curl myself in bed, I expect for him to curl up behind me. I lay in the darkness of the flat.


At four in the morning, my phone rings and reach for it instantly. Thor's glorious face possesses the screen and I accept it immediately "Hello?" I ask, timidly.

"Hi." he replies, before asking "What are you doing up? It's like four in the morning over there, isn't it?"

"I didn't sleep much." I speak softly in the silence of the room, before sighing "Thor, I miss you." I shrug to myself, not caring that he can't see me "I sound like a pansy, I know."

"No you don't." he replies, softly "I miss you, too." he clears his throat, before asking "Are you tired?"

"Yeah, but I can't sleep." I sigh, before asking "What are you doing?"

"I just got to my parents place." he tells me "My phone died on the plane. Didn't get a chance to call."

I nod, not really caring that he can't see me "Did you're mum pick you up?"

"No, my sister." he states, before explaining "She came to be with dad. But sh-" he cuts off as there's a commotion.

"Who are you talking to?" I hear a woman ask, before I hear a bed squeak under the weight of something.

"My boyfriend." Thor speaks softly, before explaining to me "Hela just walked in my room. Can I put you on speaker?"

"Sure." I state, and he does "Hello." I smile.

"Hello, Luke?" Hela asks, but Thor corrects her "I didn't realize my brother was dating a British man."

"You sound British, yourself." I remark, messing with a loose thread on the mattress.

"I went to a boarding school in England, for wayward teens." she replies, before clarifying "I stole a couple of cars, and also, maybe stabbed a bitch in school."

I scoff, before reassuring "Well, I went to boarding school with a bunch of boys. Stabbing the hormonal bastards was the only reason I got to seven grade with my virginity in tact." I declare, before explaining "The preists, not the other students."

She chuckles at that, before nudging Thor "I was just wondering if you would go surfing with me, tomorrow. The sharks won't be around that much, as there's a thunder storm passing through in an hour."

Thor agrees and I hiss "Are you crazy? Going to get yourself killed! Your going to be struck by lightning and bitten by a shark!"

"I'll be fine." he insists, before reminding "I've been bitten before, remember?"

"Oh, so naturally you're going back into shark infested waters, after you've been bitten!" I spit with sarcasm, before asking "Are you suicidal?"

"The only reason I got bit, was because I kicked it in the eye." Thor states and I sigh "Trust me, I'll live to fly home to you."

I give a weak smile as Hel speaks to Thor "I'm going to head to bed. I'll wake you for breakfast."

I hear the door shut and I'm taken off speaker "So that was your sister?" I ask and he hums in recognition "Are you tired? You didn't sleep much last night."

"Neither did you." he states, before mocking "Thor, are you okay? Can I get you anything? Let it out, Thor."

I frown "Shut up, I was concerned about you!" I hear him scoff, before I ask "How's your father?"

"Surgery is Friday." Thor sighs "He's been sitting on the back porch, staring at the ocean, since I got here."

I move my feet up, to hold my legs to my chest "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." he insists, before he goes silent for a minute "Dad, what's up?" I hear murmuring on the other end "Got in about an hour ago. You don't have to go."

He speaks to me, softly "I'll call you back in a while, alright?"

"Nah, just get some sleep." I tell him, before sighing "Call me when you wake up, or I'll ring your neck."

"What are you going to do?" he asks.

"Probably just go up to the precinct. Man the phones. See if I can break the druggy mother." I sigh "Goodbye, Thor."

"Byebye." he replies, before the line goes dead.

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