1. The Night Everything Was Over.... Or Started? Pt. I

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Blaine could not believe that there was not a single phone booth in all of New York City. He understood that there was almost no signal with cell phones, but he had been looking for a booth for almost an hour. Also for his bad luck, it started to rain and he didn't have an umbrella. It was a nightmare.

It still took him twenty minutes more to find a booth, so by the time he got into it he was drenched. During his search, he had been thinking about who to call.

His first choice was Sam, his best friend, that person who had always been there for him. However, being in Lima, the only thing he could get was to worry him.

His second choice was Tina, who imagined getting on the car completely altered to New York as soon as possible to be by his side, even posed a risk to her because she could suffer an accident because of the nerves.

On the other hand, he needed to be with someone, surely did not want to spend the night alone after what had happened. So he took the phone and dial, on the other side of the speaker answered a voice soft but tough at the same time.



-Blaine? Is that you? Where are you calling me from?

-I call you from a phone booth. 

-They still, exist.. I thought they were extinguished by now. 

-I don't have time, man. I lost my cell phone, a Taxi drove away with my tablet and right now, I need a place to crash. I don't feel so good and I want to be alone... Do you think you can pass me Sebastian's address?

Blaine asked with a bit of a fear not knowing how his former best friend would receive him. More than four and a half years that they didn't talk or text. The last thing Blaine knew about Sebastian was when he helped him organized the proposal of Kurt. How things have changed since then?

-Of course, mate, here it goes.

When Jeff hang up with Blaine, he calls up right away Sebastian, who couldn't believe it what he had heard from his friend. As soon as they hang up, Sebastian thought to himself. 

Was really Blaine Anderson on the way to his apartment? 

What had happened?

There was only one thing clear, Kurt and he were not in good terms or else he would never allow them to be in the same room for more than two minutes.

However, the last thing he knew about Blaine was when Wes officially declared that they had lost him because he had married Hummel.

Something strange because until a few days before they were not even a couple, but never understood the relationship of those two. He always thought that Blaine was too good for that attempt as an actor.

Sebastian looked at his apartment, looking at some place that wasn't perfect. He wasn't obsessed with cleaning but he wasn't messy. Although, he liked that nothing was out of his place. 

He stood up from the couch and throw everything that was trash, a Pizza box, soda bottle, books, and what sort. He then seated in front of the window to wait for him, watching the rain fall hard. It wasn't the best night, for Anyone to be out late and for that he got worried. 

Half an hour later, the ring bell was heard, Sebastian hurried to open the door and there it was, Blaine all wet from the head to the feet. His eyes reflected pain, his hazel eyes at that moment were now red and puffy. 

"Blaine?" The brown haired guy said.

Sebastian didn't want to see Blaine suffer so the best thing he could do was hug him. 

"I'm getting you wet?" Blaine tried to get away, but Sebastian squeezed him with force. 

"I don't fucking care, you moron"

They were like this for a while, not caring the water falling from their clothes, or that Sebastian was also getting wet, partly because of the water Blaine had brought and in part because he was crying. 

At that moment, Sebastian felt a goosebump that was felt all over his body. He broke the hug and quickly went to his room, to grab clothes and a towel. 

"Give yourself a shower or you'll get a cold" Sebastian said while he gives the clothes and the towel. 

"Aren't you going to ask me, What I'm doing here? Or why  am I here?" Blaine looked at him intrigued. 

"The first thing is that you get comfy and not get that cold, then we talk" Sebastian smile but not the way he used to do it when he flirts.

"Thank you" 

He then directs himself into the bathroom, and a couple of hours he got out and went directly to the living room and found it empty. He still didn't know all the apartment but he decided to look for him. 

He turned to the kitchen and there he was, preparing something delicious, at least the smell was accurate. 

"May I know what are you doing?" Blaine asked.

He didn't want to scare him, cause Sebastian didn't know about his presence. 

"I'm preparing an egg salad and a couple of sandwiches. I thought you were hungry." He shrinks his shoulders. 

"That sounds awesome, thank you" 

"It's nothing" 

"It's a lot. I was not ready to be alone this night and you are helping me. It's been years since we spoke and I show up at your apartment almost at midnight and you haven't even pressured me to know what's going on. Of course, I need to thank you enough." Blaine with a broken voice said, and while looking over at the table he saw some ingredients and decided to help.

"We were friends some time ago and it was partly my fault that we did not continue being it. I would like to resume that friendship ... As long as Kurt does not mind, of course," Sebastian said. 

He didn't want to bring Kurt into the conversation, he liked the idea that he didn't exist and that having Blaine there was the first step to be friends. 

"What Kurt things it doesn't affect me anymore" Blaine words were cold and distant, they surprised Sebastian. 

"Do you want to talk about what happen?" He offered, really intrigued. 

"If you don't mind, I want to eat first. After eating I'll tell you everything.." 

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