4. It's Now or Never Pt. I

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The next day, they went to the bank where the couple had their money. Blaine still wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but Sebastian encourages him. 

"Are you sure that this is what I need to do?" Blaine looked at Sebastian, doubt was in his eyes. 

"Of course. Half that money is yours and Kurt needs to replace what he has broken." 

"I only wish, he hasn't frozen the account" 

They walked until they reached the counter, where a man kindly attended them. They got out the corresponded money and Blaine handed his credit card and requested that Kurt will be the only account holder. 

"So this is going to work right?" 

"The worse thing that's gonna happen is that the judge will determine to give Kurt his money back, but I doubt it, my lawyer has read the agreement that you gave me yesterday." 

"My god, how did you do it all" 

"Let's say I got up early and went to visit him, you were.. let's say moving alot." 

"I know, but you so silenced that I didn't hear you" 

"I saw you giving rolls in the sofa, I know it's not that comfy... but we will find a solution to this" 

"Were you going to say something about the agreement?" 

"Yes! The agreement says that the things that are in the name of one of you they correspond only to the owner and that it has the name of both of you will be divided into equal parts. Relax that money is also yours." 

"That is an advance, of things" 

"Let's go shopping and forget about this stuff" 


"Bash?" He looked at him, confused. 

"Yes, Sebastian is long... why you don't like it? Or you like Seb?" Blaine said quickly. 

"No, No Bash is fine" He smiles. " And how do you like me to call you"

"Blaine is fine" He was scared of what Sebastian would say. 

"Would love to call you again Nightbird, when we talked you liked it" Sebastian proposed. 

"I would love that, it makes me think of the time I was actually happy," He said. "Maybe I would need to look for a nickname for you too" 

"I don't think that's going to work." Sebastian was now scared at what Blaine would try to call him. 

"Chipmunk," Blaine said a smile was formed with malice.

"Now you are going crazy, let's go inside the store before you get more" 

They got inside the store and they started to look at phones. While Blaine was looking two specific phones that were in his budget, Sebastian on the other hand, gave his credit card to a worker so they could get the better phone they had. 

When Blaine realized what Sebastian had done, he was already with the phone in hand. On the way home, he was convincing Blaine that it was nothing, but he knew he was giving in somehow.

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