3. The Night Everything Was Over.... Or Started? Pt. III

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Blaine arrived at their apartment excited. His dream was coming true, he was going to sing on a theatre of Broadway and like the male lead. It was the opportunity of his lifetime and now he had things clear.

He was going to show the directors that he deserves the role, it was just a step away to get a successful career and he knew he had the talent for it. There was just a little, tiny problem... Kurt had told him not to go audition, Blaine had listened to him.. he was auditioning for  Lola (The Cabaret)  but still, he had gotten the lead part. 

Blaine entered the kitchen and grab a soda from the fridge, when he closed the door he saw Kurt angry, he knew he was waiting for the results of the other of his auditions, and immediately thought that they haven't chosen him. He still needed to tell him the good news (bad news to Kurt).

"Hey Baby," Blaine said. 

"Do you want to believe hat they said, that my voice isn't right for any of the roles?" Kurt said a little angry. 

"I'm sure you'll find that right role, don't give up. You knew that it wasn't going to be easy, that you an actor that needs specific roles. Give yourself a little patience will ya" 

"And.. you how did it go?" 

Kurt asked, but in reality, he just wanted to make sure he didn't get the role. 

"Not gonna be the Cabaret...." 

Kurt was now with a smile that looked satisfied. 

"We knew this was going to happen. You need to find a role that is the right fit for you. In my opinion, you tend to look for roles very large for you." 

Kurt seemed enchanted with the news, and he no longer tried to hide it. 

"They offered me the lead role. They said that I'm the perfect choice for it." 

*End of Flashback*

Blaine paused the story, he could no longer contain the tears, the only thing that Sebastian could do right now is hugging him, so he did, gently. He moves his hand to Blaine's head to bring it up to his chest. Then he smoothly pats his back, letting him cry, the story could wait. 

It passed fifteen minutes when Blaine decides to finish what he started. 

"How did Kurt react when you told him the news?" Sebastian asked while cleaning the tears. 

"Words can't describe" 


"The Hell" Kurt looked at Blaine, he didn't believe what he heard. 

"They offe-" Blaine started again, but he was interrupted. 

"I've heard you! How is this possible?"  Kurt angry reacted and that annoyed Blaine. 

He was supposed to be happy for the success of him. But instead, he got all jumpy. 

"I auditioned for the role"

"I know," Blaine said to him calmly. "But they want to try something out, new faces," 

"And I know how to do that" Kurt said proudly. 

"Your voice, your attitude... Your all the contrary" Blaine didn't know anymore how to convince him. 

"I... can... not... believe you! You are my husband...! You need to support me!" Kurt was now screaming. 

"And you need to support me! It's a great opportunity for your husband!" 

"That he stole it from me!" 

Kurt couldn't take it anymore so he took Blaine's cell phone and threw it with force onto the floor, making the screen blew in a million pieces. 

"What the fuck you doing?" Blaine asked confused. 

"You think you are going to do whatever you want?" 

"You have no rig-" 

The words were interrupted when he saw Kurt broke his tablet. Blaine didn't know what to do or expect. 

"I don't want to see you, leave home, right now" Kurt ordered. 

"I don't have a place to go?" Blaine looked at him scared. 

"I don't fucking care... GO!" 

Kurt pushes Blaine to the entrance, and once there he pushed him out the door, now that Blaine was out of the apartment, Kurt closed the door. Blaine thought of entering again but that could worsen things. 

*End of Flashback*

"That isn't fair, what he did to you" Sebastian hugged him again.

He knew that this was hard for him, and that he needed support. He was going to do what Kurt didn't do, be by his side. 

"You know, I don't have time for this. In three weeks, when the castings are over, we will start the rehearsals. I am going to enjoy this..." 

"And what are you gonna do with your relationship?" Sebastian said. 

"I will look for an attorney an file a divorce" Blaine explained. 

"Are you going to report him for what he did to you tonight?" Sebastian insited with the questions.

"I don't think so. There's no motive" 

"Family abuse, psychological abuse. It's a crime" 

"Therefore, I want everything finished as soon as possible." 

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