19. And they were happily...

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Sebastian woke up the next morning with his boyfriend, who was lying next to him. It looked like an angel, asleep and calm. He knew that when he woke up he would be worried, but for the first time, the reason for that concern was not Kurt.

For so long Sebastian had been strong for him, that help was strange to him. However, I knew that I could count on Blaine. Although they were the same, they were a balanced couple and they did not expect from the other more than they themselves were willing to give.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I don't know what I'd dare to do" Blaine opened his eyes and smiled. "Or are you just thinking?"

"I love you"

"Me too, and I told you several times" Blaine approached and kissed him. "But the best thing is that we go step by step"

"What do you mean?"

"The most important thing right now is that you pass your law exam, you've been studying for a long time and you deserve to pass for all the work I've seen you do." After the exam, we'll think about Bill and all the things you're thinking about now. " Blaine stroked his face.

"Well ... I must confess that there is something I was thinking that I will not forget" Sebastian said with a smile.

"On who?"

"You, will always be on my mind?"

Sebastian kissed him, knowing that the alarm would soon be ringing, but he did not care. He needed to show his boyfriend that, despite everything that was happening,  he was still what he loved the most.

The afternoon of that day, Sebastian had already gone to take the test, now he was waiting for the results sitting on the couch, the laptop next to him, Blaine sat on his legs, he saw that his boyfriend was more nervous than him.

He knew that if he failed, he would be by his side to help him, but Sebastian wanted to pass. He did not want to worry more about it, to be able to focus more on their future.

"They're here!" Sebastian said, pointing to the computer screen.

"Let's see how you did, baby" Blaine whispered, letting his nerves see for the first time.

They did not say anything else, after seeing the results, the happiness was noticed and they kissed with intensity. All of Sebastian's hard work had paid off and he had already finished his studies, although he knew that the beginning of his professional life was just beginning. Finally, they could concentrate on the rest of things.

"We have to celebrate!" Blaine screamed.

"It almost seems that it makes you happier than me"

"I love you and I'm so proud of you ... What else do we need at this moment?"

"Nothing more"

They returned to kiss and began with their first celebration, the most intimate and personal.

"Thanks ..." Sebastian whispered as he approached his boyfriend and released the bow tie, then kissed him intensely.

"You have nothing to thank me for" Blaine smiled, he felt like he was in cloud 9 every time he kissed him.

"Without you, nothing that happened today would have been possible" Bash unbuttoned Blaine's shirt, was willing to thank him in the best way he knew.

"I was just the messenger ... besides, after everything you've done for me, it's the minimum I could do" Blaine imitated his partner and began to undress him.

"Without you, I was not able to see my father after so many years." Bash to undress Blaine.

"You're someone wonderful ... he want to meet the great man you've become ... I know that your relationship with him will not be the same as me and my mom ..." Blaine stroked Sebastian's face sweetly.

"I could not have guessed you because of the times I've seen you together ... Do you think I'll reach that point of trust with my father?"

"Yes I think so"

They decided to stop talking and demonstrate their love, which was what they needed. The night had been very intense because they had gone to dinner with Sebastian's father. It was the first time they had met and everyone had been very tense.

It had been very different from what they had imagined, but that was not necessarily bad.

At first, it had been a bit complicated but they had been complementing each other, their path to happiness had not been easy and they knew that the problems did not end there. However, to be sure that they left behind all the difficulties they had had, filled them with hope for what was to come.

Blaine had never imagined that he could have a boyfriend like Sebastian. Kurt and he were so different ... Even though I was sure that I had made the right decision.

For the first time in their life, they felt that he did not have to make an effort to make their relationship work and that he could be the same without the fear that his boyfriend would face him. If he added that his professional life had started successfully, he knew that he could not ask for more.

Sebastian had never imagined that he would meet someone who would make him want a life as a couple, but Blaine Devon Anderson was special ... He would never recognize that he had fallen in love with him when he was only 16 years old.

At that moment he knew how to handle his feelings and made many mistakes, he knew it, that's why he was grateful that Blaine had returned to his life and given him that opportunity to show him that he had changed. He was happier than ever and knew that everything had just begun.

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