9. A New Light Pt. II

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"What are you doing here?" Blaine asked surprised, without separating from Sebastian, who held him gently.

"Do you really think we miss this tonight?" Wes smiled funny. "We are your brothers"

"We are? Who else comes with you?"

"Trent, David, Hunter, Thad, Mike, Finn, Rachel Puck, Brittany, and Santana," He said it as if it was normal. "Do you really think we do not love you enough to be here? I feel disappointed"

"Where are they?" seeing everywhere looking for the others.

"We have met our friend Kurt and they are preventing him from arriving here"

Wes words made Sebastian squeeze Blaine harder. Kurt was not going to spoil that wonderful day. The Andersons were watching them somewhat apart, they wanted to give them some privacy.

"I do not want to see him," Blaine said.

"I know, if you tell me where we're going to celebrate the premiere, we'll go there ... although first I'd like you to tell me why you did not tell us you were together" Wes became serious.

"We're not together ... it's been our first kiss" Blaine's cheeks blushed noticeably.

No kidding? Then we have two things to celebrate ... Where do we have to go? "

Deciding where they were going, Wes went to help the rest with Kurt, with the promise that when Blaine was no longer there, he warned them so they would not have to keep Kurt away from the theater.

"Can I congratulate you now?" Pam approached her son as soon as Wes left.

"I'm sorry, mama." Blaine apologized.

"I'm so proud of you ... you've achieved your dreams and risked being happy." She whispered so that only Blaine could hear.

"I still need to know if Sebastian wants something with me or just got carried away."

"Something tells me that, he wants to be with you"

Then it was his brother that hugged him hard, just as proud. Sebastian watched the scene at a distance. Just as the Andersons had respected the moment of the kiss, he was not going to steal that family moment.

Cooper approached and put his arm around Sebastian's shoulders. He was going to be the older brother, whatever it cost.

"Are you going to have something with my lil brother?" Coop asked.

"That depends on him, do not you think?" Sebastian replied he was not going to be intimidated.

"If I find out you hurt him" The actor tried to threaten him, but could not.

"More harm has done Lady Lips to him ... and if you didn't do anything to Kurt, you will not do it to me. Worry about staying by his side, I'll take care of him and protect him. " Sebastian smiled smugly before approaching Blaine and holding him by the waist. "I think we better leave before Kurt manages to get to us."

"You're right, let's go to the car"

"I'm going to get a taxi since Blaine and Sebastian are going to go in their car," Coop said.

"Here I wait for you son, go for one ..." Pam said.

The taxi arrived, and Pam got up, when Cooper did not get in, she turned around and asked him why he was not in with her.

"I'll go find Blaine's friends to make sure they're okay."

After making sure his mother was driving away in the cab, Cooper made his way to the main entrance.

"We all know you've hit and manipulated Blaine at your whim and we're not going to let you get close to him again." Thad remained firm.

"I just want to apologize" Kurt repeated the same thing over and over again, it hurt that he was not allowed to approach Blaine. "He's my husband"

"No longer, you know very well that you are separated and in the process of divorce ... besides that, you are awaiting trial for abuse." Santana looked at him defiantly.

"Lies, he has not said anything but lies ..."

"That's why he called me desperate because he did not want to be left alone, why did he come to Sebastian's house soaked with tears?" Jeff attacked, I was not going to let him keep trying to show his friend as the bad guy.

"Guys..." Cooper intervened. "Blaine is already on his way to the party, with Sebastian ... Why do not we look for taxi's for everyone and go with them?"

"It's a great idea." Rachel intervened, wanting to get away from Kurt as soon as possible.

Although they began to leave, Kurt was still there, trying to find out where they were going. However, Blaine had asked them not to give the address of the place until they were a little away from there, and they all followed the instructions.

In the end, there was only Cooper, who had taken care that everyone was on their way to the party before facing the soon-to-be ex-husband of his brother.

"Get away from Blaine," he said as cold as he could.

"He's my husband, I have a right," Kurt haughty said.

"You are separated and soon you'll  be divorced ... and I assure you that you lost any right at the time you dared to raise your hand to my brother."

"Is a lie!" Kurt shouted.

"There is a complaint and the judge will decide ... until then, for the good of all, stay away from Blaine" Cooper saw a taxi approaching and he called it. "I hope we don't meet again, I guarantee that I will not be so nice next time"

Cooper entered the car without looking back, where Kurt was desperate because he knew he had lost a golden opportunity to try to return with her husband.

He may have done a lot since he stopped being in love with Blaine, but having him close could benefit him. On one side, he could take advantage of the fact that he was working as an actor in that play and, with dissimulation, steal the role.

From there, he would eliminate the trust he had and ultimately depend completely on him.

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