6. It's Now or Never Pt. III

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"You didn't have to do that," Blaine said, helping Sebastian with boxes. 

"I know, but I didn't want you to see, Lady Face again," Sebastian said.

The boxes were a lot so they had to do a lot of trips back and forth. 

"I don't want to see him, and I don't want to get back with him.. if that's what you worried for" 

"That's the same thing I told him, but knowing him he didn't believe me" 

"I don't care what he thinks anymore" 

"I'm glad to hear that" Sebastian smile, that was everything he wanted to hear.

"Thank you for everything you are doing for me," Blaine said, while they entered the apartment. He kissed him in the cheek. 

After getting everything down the car, they ordered some pizzas. When the pizzas came they start eating in silence, too exhausted and hungry to say anything. However soon Sebastian began rambling about something he had in his head. 

"I was thinking.... we could look for a bigger apartment and shared rent?" 

"Bash.. You have been living alone all these years... Are you sure you want to do this?" Blaine wanted to make sure of it. 

"Of course. Until now I didn't have anyone that mattered enough to me to share an apartment for?" 

"I will love to share an apartment with you," Blaine said. 

"And by the way, I don't want you to sleep in the couch anymore. My bed is big enough for us both to be in it" 

"Are you proposing that we sleep together?" 

"Why not? I don't talk that we have sex.. but if you want, I won't say no, you know that I desire it since the first day I saw you... But I only talk about sleeping, so you can be comfy. Soon you will start the rehearsals and you need to sleep well." 

"Alright, I accept but for only sleeping" Blaine smile. 

"Only sleep" 

They finished both pizzas and they picked everything up, it was late now and Sebastian went to his room and into the bathroom, he was preparing to go to sleep. When he got out he smiles as he saw Blaine already in bed occupying the least space possible. 

"You know that you can move more to the center," Sebastian said laughing. 

"I didn't know what side you wanted to sleep so I picked right?" 

"I never sleep with anyone, I don't have a side" He lay down next to him and hugged him by the waist. 

"Are you sure, you really don't care" 

"I'm sure. Sweet dreams, Nightbird" 

On Monday morning, Sebastian went to see his Lawler

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On Monday morning, Sebastian went to see his Lawler. It had been an intense weekend, but he knew that he wouldn't change anything he lived in those couple of days. Sunday came and it was much more peaceful, with both of them watching movies and relieving those past years. 

Nonetheless, Sebastian knew that the problems were far from over. To Blaine, a complicated divorce was coming, and the trial in which Kurt would try to harm him. 

"May I help you with something, Mr. Smythe?" A woman with at least 50 years old, asked. 

"I want to ask you a favor," Sebastian said. 

"Tell me and I'll see what I can do," she said. 

"A friend came to my apartment, he had a problem with his husband, he had psychological abuse and wants to get divorced," Sebastian told her all the story. 

"This is a case that Mr. Davis is an expert with? Why haven't you talked to him." 

"It's not that easy, Blaine needs a specific financing plan. I will pay for it, but he is so stubborn that he will say no. A lot has cost me to him accept the phone I brought him." 

"Invoice to Blaine name?" 

"Of course, and saved it to attach it to the demand." 

"Right now, it will not be easy, but in the future, it will" 

"When he began to receive money from the theatre will get to pay something, but I don't think he will pay everything before the trial" 

"Do you think he will be able for you to endorse him in any way" 

"I think so," 

"Talk with him, and then tell me" 

When Sebastian arrived home, he didn't surprise himself seeing Blaine there... two more weeks for rehearsals. Also, the smell of food every day was so much better than when he arrived and he needed to prepare himself his food. 

During dinner, Sebastian tells him about the conversation he had with his lawyer. 

"What consequences does it have for me, if I don't have to pay?"

"I will need to pay for you, but that isn't a problem.. like other times" 

"In that case, I accept. Also the impeachment for Psychological abuse. I don't for anyone to suffer the same fate." 

Sebastian was so happy that he hugged him. It was the first step for leaving the past behind and start a new life, apart from Kurt. 

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