13. Ti Amo Per Sempre

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Sebastian looked at Blaine while he slept. It was already morning, but the alarm had not yet rung. It was the first time they slept together, but after everything that had happened, he had not felt strong enough to leave him alone.

It was true that he had nothing but a small wound, but his protective side had taken off.

It was strange, he had been someone very active in his sex life and never imagined sharing a bed with another person without getting him undressed.

However, with Blaine it was different, maybe it was because for the first time in his life he was totally and completely in love.

Sebastian knew he would do anything for him, something that scared him. He decided to get up, although he was not ready to leave his boyfriend. It needed to talk to someone and decided that Sam would be good compliance of those feelings.

He was his boyfriend's best friend, but he was also very protective and could help him find a solution that would not harm the wonderful man who was now in his bed.

He got up very quietly, and went to the kitchen, grabbed his cell phone and marked the number of Sam .. it rung three times and Sam answered.

Sam -I hope it's important for you to get me up at this time?

Sam's sleepy voice made him see that he was still asleep. At that moment he realized that it was very early.

Bash -I'm sorry ... I need someone to stop me from doing something crazy, a stupid thing.

Sam -What stupid thing?

Bash -Killing Hummel

Sam -What? What happened?

Sebastian decided to tell what had happened because, with everything that had happened, they had not informed him of the aggression. I could hear the grunts of anger.

Sam -I'm supposed to keep you from killing Kurt?

Bash -I do not know what to do ... He is the most important thing at this moment, but to see him so vulnerable ...

Sebastian did not notice that Blaine had woken up, and was standing in the kitchen door.

"I'm not vulnerable" Blaine interrupted the conversation and approached. Who are you talking to?"

"With Sam."

Blaine asked for the cellphone without words, he just reached out. From there, he did his best to reassure his best friend while he cuddle his boyfriend.

-I understand that you guys are worried, but you are my best friend and my boyfriend .. I need you, and if they put you both in jail for such nonsense, I would not forgive me. I want both of you to promise me that you will not do anything ... Alright.

From the other side of the phone, Sam promised to do nothing and Sebastian whispered his promise. He said goodbye to his friend and looked into his boyfriend's eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I was worried"

"You don't have to apologize ... I love you and I know that if I were in your place, I would do the same" Blaine confessed.

"What have you said?" Sebastian was surprised.

"That I love you?"

"I love you too"

The couple kissed, forgetting about Kurt, forgetting about everything that had happened the night before, the accident. That moment was theirs and nobody could ruin it. 

"It's a pity that I have to go to work ... I would stay here with you all day." Blaine whispered when the kiss ended, but not wanting to separate from his boyfriend.

Sebastian supported his forehead in Blaine's, with a smile that seemed that lately, it did not leave him. After all, that was what happiness meant.

"I also have to go to work .. Why do not you prepare a special date for us here at home tonight"

"Of course"

They returned to give one last kiss before beginning their days.

It seemed that they had become addicted to saying they loved each other since they had overcome that barrier for the first time. They had become more cloying if that was possible.

Nights, the two of them had passed watching the TV on the couch, with the remains of pizza and beers. They loved being like that, quietly embracing each other while they enjoyed each other's company.

"I've been thinking" Blaine started.

"I don't know if it's good or bad" Sebastian joked,

"Let's see, I'm going to rethink what I was thinking"

"I hear you"

"We have said that we love each other, you have shown me that they are more than words ... ¿What prevents us from taking another step in our relationship?"

"If you mean marriage, you're still not divorced and I'd like to bring in more time together before we get married."

"I'm not talking about that ... It's too early yet!" Blaine was surprised.

"In that case, I do not know what you mean?"

"Sex! I want us to take that step .. If you want it, of course" Blaine blushed.

"Of course I would love it! Passerotto mio, I may have changed, but my sexual desire in general and towards you, in particular, has not... But I want you to be completely safe and do it because you want it, not because you think that is what I I want or because you think you owe me something"

"It's what I want... Let's go to the room?" Blaine stood up and held out his hand for the other to grab.

"Now?" Sebastian was surprised.

"Why wait?"

"I would like it to be something special, in a romantic place, with candles, to buy flowers, to have champagne ..."

"It will be special because it is with you .. I don't need flowers, I don't want us to drink alcohol because I want us to have all our sense in what we do, we have candles if you want to give a romantic touch to the room, although I don't care ... only I need is you "

"Amore ti amo"

Sebastian got up and kissed his boyfriend before they both went to the room to spend the most special night they had had and to give themselves for the first time to passion.

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