7. An Old Friend

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One week has passed and they have been on and off with work, one night Sebastian came after work and he was surprised to see that Blaine was with someone. He knew that boy and he recognized that it was a member of New Directions.. his name to him was vouge but seeing the smile on him was the only thing he was trying to see. 

"Hi?" Sebastian said so the boys will notice him. 

"Bash! I didn't listen when you entered... How was your day?" Blaine blushed, almost ashamed. 

"Do you remember Sam? He came because he was worried for me" 

"Of course, I remember him.. he was the one that came with you and robbed back the nationals trophy again." 

"BLAM!!" Both Blaine and Sam smile. 

"You have a great apartment, thank you for taking care of my friend you have helped him a lot." Sam stand up and stretch his arm. 

"It's been a pleasure" Sebastian smile.

"Now that Sebastian it's here I better find a place to sleep" Sam explained. 

"Why don't you stay with us? Well, the couch isn't as good as it seems, but I am sure it could do just fine for a weekend" Sebastian said. 

When he saw Blaine's eyes brighten up with what he just said, was everything to him. 

"I don't want to bother, you have done enough for Blaine" Sam tried to reject the offer. 

"Come on, Sammy... Bash wouldn't offer if actually thought you were a nuisance. I would love to talk about great things, forget about Kurt and the past.. Maybe we should go out? Dine out and take a few drinks" 

"Alright, Where can I leave my bag?" Sam said. 

"Leave it in the closet, I'm going to take a shower. Somebody else wants to go first?" Sebastian said. 

"If you don't care, I want to take a shower too," Sam said. 

"No, of course. You go first, let me show you were everything is" Sebastian said while both leave for the Bathroom. 

Blaine was just seated observing every detail and laugh. Those were the two most important persons  in his life, and now they are now getting along well. He liked that Sam just asked simple questions and didn't doubt his friendship. 

Minutes later, Sebastian came back, he smiles when he saw Blaine.. more and more delighted to have him by his side. 

"Thank you" 

"I already told you, nothing to thank me for? Have you tell him that we sleep in the same bed?" 

"It's my closest friend, I tell him everything" 

"And what did he told you?" Sebastian said surprised.

"I tell you one thing. Do you know why Sam and I are friends?" Sebastian denied. "We don't judge us. We trust each other and if one of us thinks what is best for one of us, the other supports him without condition. He will be there always, he understands me like no one" 

"It's a perfect friendship"

"We can have a friendship like that. At this moment you are doing great, you haven't judged my relationship with Kurt, you have been there to pick up the pieces and you are helping me without asking nothing. I just wait that you think the same about me." 

"Of course I feel the same for you" Sebastian hugged him with force. 

Sam was out of the shower a few minutes later, Blaine got in, then followed Sebastian, when they were ready, they got out, found a restaurant bar and enter. They began to order food and some beers. 

Moments later Blaine was all happy, that by the moment he was with a guy that by the looks of it, was very attractive. Meanwhile, Sam and Sebastian look at him from the bar. 

"Jealous?" Sam wanted to know. 

"What?" Sebastian looked at Blaine and the guy and say no. "It's been a while that I don't have sex with guys and by the way, it's not my type." 

"I was talking about Blaine... you would love to be dancing with him instead of that guy," Sam said. laughing. 

"Me... No." Sebastian didn't know what to say. 

If he confesses his feelings, everything will come down to zero, and then Blaine will think he was just with him for something else. 

"Give him time, then you will be together."

"Do you support us if we have a relationship?" Sebastian asked. 

"I've seen that you aren't the same rude guy I used to know back then. You have matured. You have taken care of him if you stand like that your relationship with him will be sooner than later and everything that had happened with Kurt will be in his past." Sam said very proudly of what just he said. 

"Thanks, Sam. You don't know how important that is for me and that you support us... thank you for leaving the past in the past." 

"Just don't do anything stupid. Let's go dance us too" 

They went with Blaine that was enjoying the music, he forgot the guy and turned to dance with Sebastian, feeling free for the very first time in years.

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