16. Unburden

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"What am I supposed to be getting used to?" Sebastian asked just after Cooper and Pam left the house. He looked at his boyfriend with anger and disappointment, something that made the other feel even smaller.

"Bash, I .."

"I do not understand, Blaine, I thought you trusted me, that you knew that I love you and that you are the most special thing I have in my life, but it seems that it is not like that" Sebastian was hurt.

"Of course I trust you ... I know you're not being unfaithful, you misunderstood what I was telling Coop"

"Explain, because the alternative is that you feel pressured to have sex with me because I want to, which seems even worse," Sebastian said very seriously and noticed that his boyfriend was blushing.

"Don't you want to have sex?" Blaine asked almost in a whisper.

"Of course I want, but when you want it too, for this relationship to work, we both have to be honest and not force ourselves or force the other to do something that they do not want, you are recovering from a serious accident and the last thing that happens my mind is to sleep with you, before you have to recover your strength, your life ... I do not want to hurt you because of the posture or that by letting ourselves go something happens that delays your recovery. " Sebastian softened his tone and approached his boyfriend even more to stroke his face.

"Voglio fare l'amore con te... I want you ..." Blaine whispered and came over to kiss him.

"You really want to make love with me?" Sebastian asked without separating from his beloved.

His anger had dissipated, he just needed to feel his lips to relax and feel loved. He was beginning to understand what his boyfriend had wanted to say, but he was still worried that he felt obliged to do something.

"Really," Blaine said with a smile, aware of what was going to happen.

"If that's the case, we can take advantage of being alone ... but we're not going to do anything you do not want to do ..."

"But I want to do it"

They kissed again, at first very sweet, but gradually increasing intensity.

"It would be better if we go to the room, I do not want your mother and your brother to discover us in a moment compromised if we let ourselves go"

"If we let ourselves go?"

"Let's see what comes up, I do not want it to be sex, if it comes up, we'll make love." Sebastian smiled and helped him up.

He wondered how they were going to maintain a sexual relationship if he was still weak, but if he really wanted to, he would find a way for both of them to be satisfied.

When Pam and Cooper returned, they saw the couple on the couch. Blaine was lying down, with his head in Sebastian's lap, stroking his hair. He still had to pass the law test and despite everything, he had not neglected his obligations.

"How is it going?" Pam asked as she sat in front of them, Coop left to leave them alone because he knew that she wanted to talk to her son's boyfriend.

"Tired, he's been asleep for half an hour, it's been very hard for him not to be able to do anything by himself, he's always been so active and so eager to get back on stage." Sebastian said .

"And how is intimacy going?" She smiled.

"What?" Sebastian could not believe what he was hearing.

"Cooper told me what happened"

"I love your son, I want it to be clear"

"I know," She tried to reassure him.

"I would never force him to do something he does not want" Sebastian tried to explain.

He worried that Pam wanted him to get away from his son because he was not good enough for him.

"I know ... Cooper told me what Blaine had told him and that you seemed angry about that, I saw how you care for Blaine, how do you help him ... I can not have any complaints!" Cooper told me that before you were with him you've been with many men "Pam smiled at seeing him blush. "Do not worry, I do not judge you, I do not share what you did, but you were free and you did not have anyone to explain it to, I only ask you to be faithful to my son and to remain the same with him."

"You do not have to worry, I love him and I want the best for him"

"It does not worry me"

Pam had left to prepare dinner and Cooper had decided to relieve her in her talk with Sebastian. Blaine was still asleep, dramatically exhausted, something that was going to give him the joke he wanted to make.

"You had to leave it exhausted while we were out?" Coop said as he moved his eyebrows to leave no doubt what he was talking about.

"Did you really think we were going to go that far when he's still weak?" Sebastian asked very seriously.

"He was determined" Coop was strange.

"I did not say nothing happened, but do not think he's tired just because of what we've done, I worry about him and I'll never hurt him," Sebastian answered firmly.

In spite of everything, he could not help but respond when thinking about what they had just done. It had not been wild, but they really enjoyed it.

"If you really worried about me, you would not be explaining to my brother," Blaine whispered as he stretched.

"Have you rested?" Sebastian asked while looking at him worriedly.

"I feel much better" Blaine kissed his boyfriend when he got up.

"I'll see if mom has finished the dinner." Cooper got up and smiled when he saw the couple so well together. He was glad that all the problems had been solved.

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