2. The Night Everything Was Over.... Or Started? Pt. II

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After dinner, Sebastian pours a couple of more wine into the glasses and they went to the living room. He just thoughts that the conversation was going to be long and that the both of them they would need a lot of alcohol to face what was coming.

As they eat the sandwiches, Sebastian had noted a lot of changes in the eyes of Blaine, even though he tried to hide it with a fake smile. He saw sadness, pain, fear, and anger.

"Kurt and I are OVER and this is forever," Blaine said, evading Sebastian.

"Are you sure what you say, now that you are angry? It's not the first, or second, or third time you broke" He said not trying to offend him, but he did so.

"I get it, Sebastian. I am stupid" Blaine got up from the couch, but it didn't take long enough to notice a hand holding him back.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to offend you... I just wanted to help you"

"I'm sorry for being a bitch, you have welcomed me in your apartment, lend me your clothes, (which by the way are super nice) and prepared dinner for me and I... I didn't think this day would finish like this"

Blaine said while seating next to him, this time closer.

"Do you want to talk?" He didn't know what to say, the only thing he knew is that Blaine needed help.

"I'll tell you that my problems with Kurt started when I decided to change schools. And the motive that I got separated from him was a month ago."


"Have you seen the flyers for the castings by the new Broadway show called Kinky Boots?" Kurt asked while he was reading a paper.

"I thought about prese-" Blaine responded but Kurt wasn't even listening to him.

"I will be perfect to be the Male Lead. Charlie Price, a guy that inherits a shoe factory from his father. And that he then will have to fight for what's his." Kurt started to say.

"I was thinking of going for the same role?" Blaine tried to intervene, but then he saw that it was a big mistake saying that.

"No, you're going to get the role of the cabaret performer.... I was a year outside NYADA giving a name for myself and you... you just graduate. No! You can't just present yourself to a broadway protagonist role!" Kurt ordered.

"Don't you think that we need to leave this stupid rivalry between us?" Blaine burst out.

"First it was in McKinley, then in NYADA... Leave me this at least"

Kurt commented really angry that Blaine decided to leave.

*End of Flashback*

Sebastian was there listening to everything Blaine was telling him. "Kurt was nobody to let you not do the casting"

"I'm trying everything so that my marriage with Kurt would work out"

Blaine was affected in some way, and tears were now falling while he looked at his wedding ring. Sebastian thought that if everything was over between them why he just doesn't take it off.

"I'm not going to put pressure, but tell me the rest of the story?"


Three days later, Klaine was seated on their couch waiting for that callback, they were watching a program when Blaine's phone rang.

The conversation he had with the person was short but his smile was so big he didn't hide it.

"I have a callback! They want to see hear me in the next three days"

Blaine kissed his husband excited, that he didn't notice that Kurt wasn't at all. But nevertheless, ten minutes after Kurt received a message saying:

Dear Mr. Hummel
We regret to inform you that you have not passed to the next phase.
             Thank you.

Kurt was so angry that he threw his phone, thinking that they didn't appreciate his talent and that they would fall for Blaine's lies.

*End of Flashback*

"Guess that complicated things in the relationship," Sebastian said.

He now understands the conflicts that Blaine had been through with Kurt. But that doesn't give a solution to why he was doing so late at night in his house.

"This isn't finished yet. The best and the worse part is coming"


Blaine got in front of the directors of the show, he was nervous but also he was preparing himself. He had taken advantage of Rachel and went to her apartment every day to practice.

Between the two they make a perfect duo and helped each other at the best, She began to ask why Kurt didn't help him but wasn't so accurate, and also she didn't want to put more tension between the two.

He sang the perfect song and he captured the directors. He smiled satisfied when he finished, now was waiting if that was enough for getting the role.

"Mr. Anderson-Hummel... Do you mind if we choose you for another role? We think you are perfect for it?" The woman said.

"I don't mind, which one will I get?" Blaine said.

"Charlie Price, the male lead" She responded with a smile.

Blaine didn't know how to react. His voice was gone, his hands were shaking, but at the same time, his smile formed.

"It will be my pleasure. I will make sure that you didn't take the wrong guy for it."  Blaine said.

*End of Flashback*

"I imagined that Kurt didn't take it well?" Sebastian took a drink from the glass of wine.

He can feel that they arrived at a critical moment.

"You have no fucking idea..."

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