8. A New Light Pt. I

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The weeks went by and things went better each day. Blaine had decided to go to the psychiatrist to talk about everything he had inside. Also, the specialist was going to be a witness at the trial. And thanks for the insistence of Sebastian, he agreed to tell the police. 

Each time Blaine was closer to Sebastian, with whom he had moved to an apartment with two rooms. The coexistence was hard at first, Sebastian was not used to living with anyone, but soon found the balance that allowed them to enjoy each other's company.

Unbeknownst to them, Blaine's smile grew wider every day and it seemed that everything he had suffered in the past had been left behind. He returned to have that own light that he had lost at some point in his life, because of Kurt.

That morning, however, Blaine was nervous and Sebastian was not close to reassure him. It was only a few hours before the premiere of the play.

Luckily, his mother and Cooper soon arrived and made him company. As it was a special day for him, his family wanted to be by his side. They had arrived the previous day, the same day that Sam had left, but with the last minute rehearsals and his need to rest, he could not be with them.

"You are nervous?" Coop asked.

"A lot, it's a big responsibility, it's a very important role." Blaine sat next to his mother, who hugged him tightly.

"If there is someone who can do it, that is you, you have great talent and you have shown that you are very strong, you have recovered from two very complicated situations, many would have sunk ... You keep fighting." Coop told him proudly.

"I'm seeing a psychiatrist, otherwise I would not have gotten it"

"It is also necessary to be brave to recognize that you need help, we are proud of you," Pam said with a smile.

"And now ... What do you tell us about Sebastian? When are we going to meet him?" Coop said mockingly.

"He's working as a paralegal, he has a lot to do because he's in a very delicate moment of his studies ... That's why we will not see him until he arrives at the theater ... Well, you will see him when he arrives at the theater, I'll see him when the show is finished "Blaine blushed.

"When are you going to say you like it?"

"Coop!" Blaine looked at him even more embarrassed.

"He's not bad, you have to redo your life and, if the photos you have shown me are indicative, Sebastian is very attractive" Coop commented calmly.

"It's something soon," Blaine whispered.

"It's not, it's been a while, you're in a moment in your life where you're calm and happy ... There's nothing wrong with starting a relationship if you're in love." Pam intervened.

They decided to leave the subject there because they knew they could not put pressure on Blaine. He had to be the one to decide what he was going to do about his relationship with Sebastian.

Blaine was happy. His performance had been very good and he knew it. If the applause after the end was an addictive one, the public liked it a lot, which was good.

After changing clothes, he went out the back door of the theater and there were several people waiting for an autograph.

While he attended them, he glanced at his family and could not help but smile. His mom, his brother, and Sebastian were there, clearly proud of him.

Talking as if they knew each other throughout their lives, it saddened them not to have been able to present them formally.

When he finally finished, he approached them and Sebastian was the first to hold him tightly. They had been away all day, but the rest of the night was for them.

"Congratulations Nightbird," Sebastian whispered.

"Thank you, I do not know if I would have been able to get through everything if you had not been by my side" Blaine confessed.

"Luckily, you're never going to find out ... This has just started, surely many more successes are coming" Sebastian separated a bit.

Blaine stared at him a little, with the words of his family still echoing in his head. There was nothing wrong with falling in love again and he knew it. At first, he was afraid it would be too soon, but it was not someone he had just met.

It was Sebastian, the person with whom he lived and who had helped him every step of the way. Even his psychiatrist had told him that enough time had passed for him to think about loving again, that their relationship was broken long before everything had rushed that night.

Because of that, he thinks it was the perfect moment. Besides, he knew that Rachel or Santana would be willing to help him if necessary even if they were Kurt's friends.

It might seem weird, but I knew that if it was not reciprocated, the situation could get complicated .. Even though he hoped not.

He got on tiptoes to decrease the difference in height so to get to those wonderful lips that he wanted so much since he was a teenager.

It was going to be the first kiss they were going to give, but he hoped it was not the last one.

At first, Sebastian was surprised and did not react. However, when he noticed that the other was going to separate, he held him by the waist to bring him closer to him and correspond the kiss.

It was a sweet kiss and soft, almost like when two teenagers kiss for the first time. Sebastian had not experienced a sensation like that. He had not fallen in love he started collecting lovers when he was very young. He had had some relationship, but none important enough to make him feel that way.

They only separated when they heard that someone was hacking at their side, but not where Blaine family was. The two looked towards there, not expecting to see that person, looking at them in annoyed and angry.

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