18. Something Unlooked-For

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Blaine smiled when he saw all the people waiting for him outside the theater. For three months he had returned and was still receiving support and love from his fans.

He could not believe everything that had happened to him since the night Kurt had kicked him out of the house. He had fallen in love again and had success in his work. I did not remember a time when he would have been so happy.

Sometimes he was afraid that everything would end and suffer again, but that fear was passed when Sebastian showed his unconditional love. He knew that couples broke up and that he could suffer, but he knew that, whatever happened, it would not be like when he ended his relationship with Kurt.

"Hi, Blaine." A man in his forties smiled at him as he handed him the booklet of the work for him to sign.

He smiled, although he had a strange feeling, those green eyes were too familiar, although he would swear he did not know that person.

"Hi," Blaine signed, still smiling.

"I'm Bill Smythe, Sebastian's father." He explained, knowing he was surprised.

"What are you doing here?" Blaine did not know how to react.

He remembered that his boyfriend had told him that his father was almost not at home, because he worked hard, and he was the only one who supported him when Sebastian told his parents he was gay.

"I wanted to ask you a favor" He started.

"Sure, tell me .. I know he is going to be happy to know that you have returned to his life"

"I read in a magazine that my son and you are a couple?" The man began his explanation.

"Yes, he saved me, from a relationship that was already on the verge of ending"

"That's my son, at least now he's happy and with a man who loves him"

"He's happy now ... At least, I hope so ..." Blaine blushed, found it hard to confess how he felt and was being totally honest.

With what Sebastian had done for him, he hoped at least that after all the problems, he would be happy.

"Surely if ... I just want to make him a little happier by having his dad back." The father smiled. "I know he's the one who has to make the decision, I'm just asking you to pass on the message.

The man handed him a card there was a number. Blaine would also make sure that, whatever the decision he made, Sebastian would be happy.

When Blaine arrived home, he was greeted by Sebastian, as he does every day. He kisses him with passion as if instead of a few hours without seeing him it takes weeks or even months.

Blaine did not complain, he loved the passion and the desire he felt. With Kurt, it had never been like this, not even at the beginning.

He felt so happy, protected and loved with his boyfriend ... But at the same time, he felt good about himself. Sebastian had helped him to be independent and strong. I knew he would not be back where he was when he was with Kurt.

That's why, when he realized that he had to tell him what had just happened to him in the theater.

"You're good?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes ... it's just .. I have something to tell you." Blaine went to the kitchen and poured two glasses of wine.

"You are scaring me."

"It's not bad ... the news may be good, but it's definitely not bad"

"What is it?" Sebastian asked while he picked up the wine glass.

"I was signing autographs when a man approached me and told me his name is Bill Smythe."

Sebastian dropped the glass of wine on the table and smiled, Blaine did not expect the hug so strong that he gave it instantly.

"He told me that you had time to make the decision if you wanted to see him, but that he was very happy for both of us." Blaine smiled. "What do you think if we ask for pizza and we see a movie and we decide the decision tomorrow between the two."

Sebastian nodded and took the phone and ordered the pizza and sat next to Blaine. He turns around and watches him kiss him for a few minutes, he knew that Blaine would support him in whatever he decided. But thanks to what he had matured, he had by his side the most wonderful man in the world.

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