11. A New Light Pt. IV

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After the party, Blaine, and Sebastian head to their apartment. While they were on the road, they did not kiss or talk, but when they arrived, they got in and could not stand it anymore and kissed.

The party had been a success and if the comments of the guests were pleasant, the play was going to gain a niche on Broadway.

However, at that moment the only thing that mattered to them was being alone and being able to continue talking and demonstrating their feelings without fear of being interrupted.

They sat on the couch and Sebastian gently grabbed Blaine's legs to place them on his lap. Then he intertwines the fingers of their hands.

"Could get used to this?" Sebastian commented as he moved closer to Blaine to give him another kiss.

"Really, you want us to try?" Blaine asked.

"I already told you what I feel ..."

"I know ... but you talked about falling in love and ... after everything I've been through with Kurt, I'm not ready to ..."

"I do not need to explain it to you, I know that talking about falling in love for you is too soon, I'm not in a hurry, I do not need you to say "I love you" already. You've been through a lot and I respect you, I did not tell you to feel bad ... you know what I feel, so when you feel it too, you know you can tell me, I've been waiting a long time ... What are a few more months?"

"Months? I hope it does not cost me so much ... I feel very good by your side and I want our own to work" Blaine leaned his head on Sebastian.

They were talking for a while, trying to find a way to get used to the change as quickly as possible. Also, they had to be completely honest they wanted to make everything clear to avoid harm.

When everything was talked about, it was time to go to sleep. The two got up and went to bed together.

"Night, Bash"

"Night, Nightbird"

They gave each other the last kiss before entering the bed each in their room.

The next morning, Sebastian got up with a smile. Thinking about what had happened the night before. He had the boy he had fallen in love with, ready to give him a chance, after seeing him succeed.

When he left the kitchen, he found Cooper and Pam accompanying Blaine for breakfast.

"Good morning," Sebastian said.

He approached Blaine to kiss him in the sweetest way.

"I'm glad to see you don't care that we're here!" Coop smiled.

"I care, but that does not mean I should stop saying good morning to Blaine as he deserves"

Nobody noticed that Pam looked at Blaine and smiled at him. She knew that Sebastian was very different from Kurt and that was great.

"I like your attitude ... this time you've done well, Lil bro" Coop winked at Blaine.

"Is something left for me?"

"If I left it by the microwave, I didn't know when you were going to get up," Blaine said.

"Thanks ... When are you going to the theater?"

"I have to be there in half an hour"

"In that case, you have to hurry, because you don't want to be late"

"It's okay, I'm on it"

"I'll go buy the newspaper," Coop said.

"The newspaper? But you never buy the newspaper?" Blaine looked at his brother.

"Well ... not every day a favorable criticism of my favorite brother comes out in the newspaper"

"You do not know if there are that criticism and much less favorable" Blaine shrugged his arms.

"Have you not looked at your cell phone?" Sebastian told him.

"I have many calls and messages, I have not had time"

Wes has already read some of that criticism and they are good. It seems that everyone that went to the theatre was in love with one Blaine Anderson... So sorry for them. They arrived a bit late.

Sebastian smiled proudly and he kissed him again. The Andersons watched them and they knew that the relationship was going to be a healthy one.

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