14. Kurt Doesn't Give Up (Doesn't He)

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Sebastian looked for the tenth time at Blaine. His boss and he were in the final details for the second part, since the first had been so tense that the judge had asked for a break.

That implied that Sebastian was working while his boyfriend could wait. I knew him well enough to know he was nervous and that rest alone increased the stress.

"Can I go for a coffee?" Blaine asked.

"Coffee, you really think you need caffeine right now" Sebastian looked at him worriedly.

"What I need is to get out of here, even if it's a damn minute, I'm feeling overwhelmed by everything"

"I would feel better if you were near me"

"Only for a minute"

Blaine looked at Sebastian with "abandoned dog" eyes and could not say anything to him.

From a distance, Kurt saw Blaine walking away from Sebastian and thought that was his chance. He knew it had to make a last effort before the divorce was official. Above all, because he didn't want to carry a sentence for physical or psychological abuse. So he followed him outside.

"Blainey-Boo wait!" Kurt scampered down behind Blaine.

"I don't want to talk to you," Blaine said tiredly.

"Please, it'll only be a minute." He grabs his arm, making him tremble.

"LET GO!!!"

"I will not let you go until you hear me." Kurt was frustrated and shaking Blaine hard.


Blaine pulled hard to free himself, but in doing so he tripped and ended up in the street. A car that at that moment was going at full speed, just crashed against Blaine and lifted him up through the air.

In a matter of seconds, the place was filled with people while someone called an ambulance. Nobody dared to touch Blaine because the blow had been too strong. Kurt cried because he didn't want that to happen, but he knew that a great part was his husband own fault.

After a few hours later in the hospital, Pam had arrived totally collapsed. During the ride to the hospital, Cooper tried to comfort her but with no success.  They arrived and immediately located the room and entered.

"Sebastian" Pam ran to hug her son's boyfriend.

The young man looked exhausted, had dark circles clearly visible and his image was far from the elegant and always young perfect they knew.

"Have the doctors said anything?" Coop tried to be calmer.

"We have to wait ... The blow on the head has been too strong ... They do not know if he woke up from the coma ... And even if he does, he also has a very strong back blow and they will not know what consequences he will have."

"Maybe he cannot walk?" Pam asked as she grabbed Blaine's hand and looked down at him with tears in her eyes.

"Maybe he can't even move his arms" Sebastian's voice broke. He could not resist it anymore and began to cry.

"We can't lose hope ... Have you been alone all this time?" Coop said.

"Santana, Britt, and Rachel are here but I do not want them to enter," Sebastian said.

"Why not?" Pam questioned.

"I don't like for them to see me like that?"

"But we're going to need the people who love us by our side ... we'll have to be strong and we'll be the people Blaine will support when he wakes up ... We need someone to support us too." She smiled sadly.

"What happened to Kurt?" Coop wanted to know.

"Don't know ... My boss is taking care of that ... From what I've been told, he grab Blaine and ... to free himself he ended up in the street just as the car was passing by ... I guess he was on the street, it was not an assassination attempt, at least it does not seem like it," Sebastian explained.

"I see you very calmly, knowing everything I know about Kurt and his relationship with you, I expected you to be angrier." Pam was strange.

"I am ... For the good of all, I hope not to meet Hummel... But I know I have to inform you with impartiality, you all need to know the information ... about my bad relationship with Kurt"

"Blaine told us everything about your past" Pam answered and realized that Sebastian had blushed.


"Relax ... We're not going to judge you by a teenage joke that got out of hand, you've done a lot more to help him than that mistake, we've seen that you love and protect Blaine and that's all we ask for. The past is behind. " Cooper smiled.

"Thank you"

"Go to rest ... We are here, if there is a change, we will let you know" Pam proposed.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, we will take good care of you"

"I have no doubts about that .. call me if there is any change, whatever it is" Sebastian asked.

When he left the hospital, he got into his car ... sigh ... he had been in that room for three days, waiting for Blaine to wake up. He had warned his mother and his boyfriend's brother. It had taken more than 48 hours for them to get to New York.

He was surprised when he passed by the theater where, until the accident, his boyfriend had worked. There were flowers and candles and people were there standing there. He stopped and went down to find out what was happening.

"What happen?" Sebastian asked a woman.

"The actor who starred in this play is severe at the hospital, his husband threw him into a car, this is our way of showing support for him and his boyfriend and his family."

"I was lucky to see him, he's very talented ... I hope he can come back soon." A boy added, at his side.

Sebastian's heart accelerated. He was so proud that, in such a short time, his man had touched so many hearts. He took out his cell phone to take pictures.

"I will see to it that your affection comes to him"

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