12. Kurt's Painful Return

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Positive reviews of the show would have ensured that there were no tickets available for the following weeks. Blaine was becoming well known on Broadway. After each performance, many people gathered at the exits to wait for it.

He had the feeling that he didn't need anything else to be happy. He was in love, they correspond him. It was a very different situation from when he lived with Kurt.

It was not that he liked to think about him, but his mind could not help it when he saw Kurt in front of him. Waiting for him to finish attending the fans, he regretted telling Sebastian not to go out for him every night. Sebastian did that because he suspected that Kurt wanted to talk to Blaine after the opening night. Blaine had dismissed that idea and told him not to worry.

For a second he thought about calling Sebastian, but he preferred not to worry. Nothing had to happen, he could reject Kurt and return home by taxi. He just had to be careful so Kurt couldn't listen to the address he was going to.

"Can I also have an autograph?" Kurt asked with a smile as he approached the booklet of the play. "It's the second time I've come to see you"

"Thanks for the support" Blaine was cold.

He used to treat his fans a lot better ... with a picture and talk with them but Kurt he didn't have to tell him anything.

"Come on. Are you going to treat me like a stranger?" Kurt questioned annoyed.

"There is a pending judgment between us, I do not want to talk about anything with you, the judge will decide" Blaine signed the brochure and returned it to him.

He wasn't aware that his words had been heard by Kurt.

"I can't believe that you would report me for abuse, that's Sebastian's fault ... He will have told you things about me, you have little personality"

"See, that was our main problem, I'm worth nothing to you and you don't get tired of repeating it, you made me feel useless and unsuccessful, Sebastian has supported me"

"Yeah, he'll do it while you open your legs for him," Kurt said disdainfully.

"Bash, he has shown me that I have talent, that I have to love myself and that I should not let anyone attack me physically or verbally ... and besides, you had no right to leave me in the street"

"I never hit you" Kurt yelled.

"You have pushed me ... besides, psychological abuse is just as bad or even worse ... luckily, now I'm fine and I'm happy" Blaine said firm.

"I came here to recover you and I will not leave this place without you, you will go home, you will leave Sebastian, the Warblers and your family"

"You want me to go live with you again and leave everything?" Blaine could not believe what he was hearing.

"What will happen when everyone gets tired of you? You're arrogant, you gullible, selfish and unfaithful," Kurt said angrily.

"If so, why do you want me by your side?" Blaine asked really intrigued.

He knew that his ex didn't love him, so he didn't know why he wanted to be by his side.

"Because you belong to me, you're mine and you're not going to succeed ... Not if I can not take advantage of that" Kurt pounced on him and pushed him so hard that he fell to the ground before he could react.

Blaine could not believe that Kurt had thrown him that way and was going to get up when Kurt was throwing himself on him, hitting him on the side, leaving him unable to breathe.

Kurt took advantage of that circumstance to hit him with his forces in the face, making a small wound in his eyebrow. Blaine was waiting for the next blow with his eyes closed, unable to move. However, instead, he hear the soft voice of a woman.

"Are you okay?"

He opened his eyes and could see that someone was holding Kurt tightly.

"Yes" Blaine nodded and started to get up.

"Need help?" The woman offered. "The police are already on the way, although we did not know that we would need an ambulance too"

"What ..." Blaine was confused.

"I'm a police officer, although I'm not on duty now." The other woman, the one holding her ex, smiled smugly. "I've heard something of a trial among you and I stayed in case anyone needed help, then I heard about the abuse and I called a partner who is on duty to come, just in case .. I'm very happy to have it done, both my wife and I can testify at the trial if you need it .. Kate will give you our phone numbers ... "

"Thank you very much, I don't know what would have happened if you didn't arrive on time"

After a few hours, Sebastian ran to the emergency room where he had been told Blaine was. Even though he had talked to his boyfriend while he was on his way to the hospital, until he saw with his own eyes that he was fine, he would not be calm.

As much as he said that a policewoman had seen them and had intervened before it became major, it did not alleviate his concern.

All the nerves were transformed into joy when he saw his boyfriend, smiling quietly. A nurse was cleaning a small cut on his eyebrow, but, apart from that, it looked like it was fine.

"How are you?" Sebastian asked.

"It was nothing serious, some bruises and a gap in the head." Blaine smiled, trying to reassure him.

"Have you been checked?"


"Have you done a part of injuries for the complaint?"


"In that case, when this kind nurse ends and you're discharged, we're going to go home so you can rest ... and from now on, you're not going to come back from work alone"

"Kurt is in jail"

"I know, but I doubt that they keep it there until the trial ... the most probable is that it goes out on bail ... and I do not want it to come back to you ... Are the women who helped you here around here? I want to give them my thanks. "

"I have their cell phone, in case we want them to testify ..."

"Of course they're going to testify! Lady Lips does not know where he got in. I'm not going to let anyone harm my man, I'll personally take care of assisting your lawyer to destroy him. nothing will be left .. "

"Relax, now I just want to go home to rest"

"I'm finished" The nurse smiled at the couple. "In a few minutes, I bring you the report and the discharge so you can go home. Although you do not have anything serious, it would be best if you rest."

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