17. Back to Work

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Sebastian was very nervous. It was Blaine's return to work and he could not stop thinking it was too soon. It had been several months since the accident, but Sebastian thought Blaine was not ready.

In addition to the rehabilitation, he had to rehearse all the work until he could do it completely without problems. Even so, Sebastian was afraid it would be too soon.

Next to him was Mrs. Anderson, Cooper, Sam, and Wes. They had decided to go to support Blaine on his return. They knew that he needed it, that everything that had happened had made him doubt many things.

Especially because Kurt would have escaped going to prison. He had to indemnify him and had a restraining order to prevent it from happening again. Although it was a relief for everyone, they were still worried about what might happen in the future.

"Relax, B-Boy will be fine." Coop whispered to his brother's boyfriend.

"Don't you think it's too soon?" Sebastian looked at the other.

"He has been working very hard and is ready, relax"

Cooper's words were interrupted by the talk of three teenagers behind them.

"How many minutes till the show?"

"Fifteen minutes."

"Does anyone know how long it takes?"

"According to the booklet, the first song is played by him." The third one added.

"Great .. We're finally going to see him .. Do you think he'll be handsome in person as in photos?"

"I hope so ... we've been waiting so long for him to come back ..."

"Will he be Straight, Bisexual, or Gay?"

"Are you already thinking about flirting with him?"

Cooper let out a laugh from Sebastian's face, who seemed jealous and angry in equal measure. He did not understand, his brother would not think about going out with any of them ... he would not think about going out with another man either. I only had eyes for Sebastian.

"You know he loves you, relax, and it's good for him, having fans help him in his career ... He can get very, very well, something he deserves," Coop explained.

"I know, but ... I don't like Blaine to be sexualized ... he's more than a pretty face" Sebastian tried to expose what he thought.

"Of course he is, and he shows it every night ... besides everything he has struggled to return, all the love that they have shown him ... all that is valued by the people. you around ... Blaine is fulfilling his dream, a consequence of his talent, these fans come with the pack. " Cooper tried to make him understand that it was good reason to be happy.

"Blaine would feel so embarrassed if he found out," Wes added.

Blaine looked nervously onstage. It had been a long time without acting in front of an audience and the news of his return had made tonight fill.

"You'll be great," Sam said.

"Because I'm nervous, it's not the first time the theater is full"

"Well, this time you know that most are here to see you"

"I do not think it's true"

"Are you too humble for your own good, ready to impress the audience with your voice?" Sam asked while smiling at him.

Sebastian smiled as he saw the number of people waiting impatiently at the exit. The actor had been impeccable, he had amazed everyone with his voice and talent.

His family and friends were relieved that everything had gone well. They could not deny that they felt some concern because they did not know if they could complete a full night, but they had proven that they should not be afraid, that Blaine was recovered.

When Blaine opened the door, the three teenagers shouted and approached as much as they could. He smiled and signed photos that they brought, in addition to taking pictures with them.

After that, he continued to attend to the rest of the audience, knowing that his family and some friends were waiting for him in the background.

As soon as he finished, Sebastian hugged him and kissed him, not caring about the people there. In the end, the incident had made it public that Blaine was Gay and he did not care that the rest of the world knew that he did too.

They heard a cry between excited and disappointed girls, but they did not care.

"You were great, I'm proud of you," Sebastian whispered.

 "I felt so good on that stage, I missed that feeling a lot"

"You will not have to miss it anymore" Sebastian smiled and pulled away so that the rest embraced him. Cooper, his parents, and his friends were congratulating him for how good he had been. That night it had been special on so many levels and he knew that the future was going to be great. Kurt could no longer get to him and was finally surrounded by people who loved him and supported him.

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