10. A New Light Pt. III

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As soon as the car door closed, Blaine turned to talk to Sebastian. It was not a simple conversation, he didn't know how the other one felt, but there was no turning back. Not when they had kissed like that.

"Why are you nervous?" Sebastian asked as he realized the state of what he hoped would soon be his boyfriend.

"It's not easy what I have to tell you" Blaine blushed.

"About the kiss?" The smile of the future lawyer showed him that he was enjoying this situation in some way.

"I understand that you do not ..." Blaine's nerves were remarkable.

"Blaine, relax ... will you feel better if I sincere myself first?" Sebastian proposed.

Aware that what he had been feeling for the past few weeks had not been a mirage, his feelings were reciprocated. Blaine nodded, so Sebastian began talking.

"I fell in love with you since I saw you enter the Warblers room again to give us those tickets for West Side Story, I had never been in love, so I got confused with attraction and treated you like I had treated all my previous lovers. .. Until the Slushie incident. "

Blaine was just listening to everything Sebastian was saying. Silent watching him.

"That night, I realized that my plan was not to win a stupid competition, I wanted to take Hummel out of the way so that you would be with me. Over time, I had to accept that he was the one who made you happy ... for years I tried to forget you, but with those that I went to bed, nobody called my attention as you did. "

Now Blaine was with tears in his eyes, did not know what to say so he let Sebastian finish.

"When I saw you at the door of my house, totally soaked and clearly depressed, I wanted to take revenge. Nobody should have hurt you, what Lady Lips did to you and I regretted not having told you before what I felt for you. Until today hoping that once you recovered, you could feel for me something more than a friendship."

"I'm sorry" Blaine was now embarrassed.

"Why?" Sebastian looked at him with fear that everything had been a lie and that he had invented what the other felt.

"For not having realized before what you felt, for having been a coward and having told you that I also feel something special for you, for not leaving Kurt before, for not having given us an opportunity when we had the opportunity."

"The past does not matter, what matters is the present and the future, will we be together from now on?" Sebastian looked intently at Blaine.

"Of course yes"

Blaine approached and kissed him, that time with more decision. Sebastian corresponded the kiss right away, this time he knew what was happening. Sebastian's hand settled lightly on the other's cheek, slowly moving his thumb to caress it. Blaine grabbed him by the shirt to keep him from leaving.

As soon as the couple entered the party, several people approached and grabbed Blaine's attention, since he was the male lead.

Shortly after the others arrived, Sebastian happily watched as Tina ran to hug Blaine, the others followed her, but they let them have their moment, aware that they had not seen each other for a long time. However, Sebastian was surprised to see Santana and Brittany approaching him.

"What do Brittana want?" Sebastian asked, making them laugh.

"We want to talk about the Kiss?" Santana question.

"I confessed what I feel and we're going to give it a try ... it's all I can tell you." Sebastian's smile was immense.

"Thank you for being patient and waiting for Blaine to be ready, I would not have liked him to jump from one relationship to another. He should find himself first"

"You do not know how important it is for me to accept our relationship ... Do you think that the other New Directions will also accept it?"

"Since when Sebastian Smythe cares about what others think," Puck said.

 "You'll see ..." Sebastian ran his hand through his hair, something nervous. "I want Blaine to be happy and I know that a confrontation with his friends over our relationship would mean stress and I do not want that, much less want him to have to choose between his friends and me."

"Well ... prepare for a few warnings ... Santana will want an act of revenge for that slushie you threw at her ... but, apart from that, everything will be fine ... come on we have to give him congratulations on how fantastic he has been tonight."

Several drinks later, Blaine could have a few minutes alone with Sebastian.

"Finally alone," Blaine said as he stood on tiptoes to kiss him.

"You are a very requested boy tonight and I know ... that once the party is over you will be all mine, that's why I can wait," Sebastian answered.

"We have a lot to talk about," Blaine whispered.

"And we will have a lot of time both tonight and the next few days, now it's time to celebrate that today you have made your debut as a Broadway actor."

"Sorry to interrupt" The co-star approached them.

"Why does everyone interrupt?"

"The director wants to say a few words and wants the main actors to be at his side."

Blaine apologized before kissing Sebastian before following her. His boyfriend was right, now he had to attend to the guests, they will have time for them.

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